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Hoi Jin Yoon 1 Article
The Effect of Directed Avoidance on Impulsive Behaviors among Individuals with Traits of Borderline Personality Disorder
Hoi Jin Yoon, Myoung-Ho Hyun
STRESS. 2022;30(4):260-267.   Published online December 30, 2022
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This study aims to examine the emotion regulation effect of directed avoidance on the impulsive behavior of individuals with traits of borderline personality disorder (BPD).
A total of 44 participants with BPD traits were randomly assigned to the control group (n=22) and treatment group (n=22). Participants in the treatment group were directed to use avoidance when they experienced a negative emotion. Positive and negative emotions and impulsivity were measured before and after the negative emotion was induced; impulsivity was measured using the Stroop test and Contingency Delay task.
The Stroop test’s results demonstrated that there was a significant interaction effect of time and error between the groups, specifically, impulsivity increased in the control group when negative emotions were induced. However, the results of Contingency Delay task were marginally significant. The main effect of directed avoidance on discount rate k slightly increased but did not reach a significant level, and the interaction effect between the groups and time was not found. In the control group, discount rate k significantly increased after directed avoidance was induced; however, it was not significant in the treatment group.
Findings from our study supported the effect of directed avoidance could be used as an emotional regulation method among individuals with traits of BPD, such as controlling impulsive behaviors. Finally, limitations of this study and implications of the short-term intervention method using the immediate emotional control effect of directed avoidance for the future are discussed.