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Jung A Lee 1 Article
How Do Physical Activity, Internet Use, and Stress/Depression Differ Based on Body Mass Index (BMI): From the 2014 Korea Media Panel Survey
Myung Wha Kim, Jung A Lee
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(4):317-320.   Published online December 31, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to investigate how physical activity levels, internet use, and stress/depression differ, based on Body Mass Index (BMI). The study assessed the impact that internet use may have on physical activity, fatness, and mental health, using data from the 2014 Korea Media Panel Survey. The 2014 Korea Media Panel Survey collected data from 6,568 Korean participants, who ranged in age from 19 to 60 years. Data collection addressed BMI, numbers of days per week for physical activity, internet use, and the levels of stress and depression. When participant data was grouped by BMI levels, it was found that the overweight group had significantly higher level of vigorous physical activity, when compared to the normal weight group. The analysis also showed that the obese group had significantly higher levels of vigorous physical activity, when compared to the underweight and normal weight groups. In looking at mental health issues, when compared to normal weight individuals, the obese individuals had significantly higher levels of depression. Higher BMI levels were more likely to be associated with increased internet use, when compared with lower BMI levels, but the amount of increase was non-significant. The indication is that increased levels of internet use might reduce the amount of time spent on daily physical activities, and that reduction could result in an increased BMI and a decreased mental health status. Further studies are needed to better identify the association between internet use, physical activity, and mental health.