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Min Jung Kim 2 Articles
Development and Preliminary Efficacy of a Mindfulness-Based Counseling Program as Part of Comprehensive Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study
Ji Young Jung, Min Jung Kim, Sol Bin Yoon, Hyo Jin Kim, Jin A Yoo, Mi Kyung Lee, Sang Hee Shin, Justin Y. Jeon, Sung Nim Han, Jung Eun Lee, Chan Joo Lee, Jong Young Lee, Ick-Mo Chung, Jong Nam Kim
STRESS. 2024;32(2):53-65.   Published online June 28, 2024
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While psychological intervention is recognized as a core component of cardiac rehabilitation (CR), its application in CR remains limited. This study aimed to develop a psychological counseling program (the Mindfulness-Based Counseling Program [MBCP]) as a component of comprehensive CR for the patients with cardiovascular disease and to explore its preliminary efficacy.
We developed a psychological counseling program (MBCP) as part of comprehensive CR. The MBCP consisted of six-week psychological counseling and mindfulness practice. Through this program, we aimed to promote health maintenance behaviors and stress management. Thirteen subjects with either acute myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure with reduced EF (≤40%) participated, randomized into either comprehensive CR including MBCP (n=7) or exercise-based CR (n=6). Psychological-status assessments included life satisfaction (DSQ), health-related quality of life (HRQoL), depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (GAD-7), type D personality, and stress (PSS).
The comprehensive CR group (n=7) experienced a significant decrease in anxiety and improvements in general health and mental aspects of HRQoL. The exercise CR group (n=6) experienced reduced depression and significantly increased mental aspects of HRQoL. Additionally, the overall satisfaction and participation rate for MBCP was high.
The MBCP developed in this study showed preliminary efficacy for CR and is anticipated to enhance psychological wellbeing and the quality of life among cardiac patients.
Heterogeneous Trajectories of Cognitive Function in Older Adults with Diabetes: Findings from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA)
Chanhee Kim, Min Jung Kim, Chang Gi Park
STRESS. 2019;27(1):1-8.   Published online March 31, 2019
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본 연구는 지역사회 거주 당뇨노인의 인지기능의 변화궤적 양상을 확인하고자 하였다. 한국복지패널 1차년도부터 6차년도 자료를 활용하여, 당뇨진단을 받은 65세 이상의 노인 672명의 자료를 분석하였 다. 성장혼합모형 분석 결과, 당뇨노인의 인지기능의 변화양상은 ‘정상-유지형’ (41.5%), ‘정상-저하형’ (23.8%), ‘경도인지장애-유지형’ (17.1%), ‘경도인지장애-저하형’ (11.2%), ‘중증인지장애-저하형’ (6.4%) 의 5가지 유형으로 확인되었고, 연령, 성별, 가계소득, 자기보고 건강상태가 영향 요인으로 확인되었다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 당뇨노인의 인지기능의 변화 양상은 이질적이며, 당뇨노인의 인지기능 저하를 예방 하기 위해 대상자에 대한 개별적인 이해와 맞춤형 중재가 필요함을 확인할 수 있었다.


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