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You Jin Kim 1 Article
The Relationship between Stress, Psychological Hardiness, Social Support and Quality of Life in Insomniacs
You Jin Kim, Hye Mi Lee, Seung Yeon Lee
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):137-150.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This study investigates the gender differences in the relationship between stress and quality of life in people with insomnia, and examines the possible mediating and regulating effects of psychological hardiness and social support, respectively, on these variables. The study was conducted from November 2009 to April 2010 with patients from a sleep disorders clinic in the department of neurology of a general hospital in Seoul. The data were collected from 146 subjects that were deemed suitable to participate by a sleep specialist via a questionnaire measuring their quality of life, stress, psychological hardiness, and social support. We found significant gender differences in quality of life and its sub-factor physical health, and significant but minor differences in social support and its sub-factor family support. Furthermore, a partial mediating effect was found for control and challenge attitudes—both of which are sub-factors of psychological hardiness—in the relationship between stress and quality of life for people with insomnia. The total scores of quality of life, physical health, and psychological health as well as their respective sub-factors were not significantly related with social support or its sub-factors, even when accounting for the effects of stress and its sub-factors. Although friend support had a significant effect on social relations, and support from significant others had a significant effect on quality of life measures regarding one’s environment, not all sub-factors of social support had regulating effects; for instance, social support showed no relationship with stress or its sub-factors.