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- Volume 10(2); December 2002
Original Articles
- Neuropsychiatric Approach to Psychosomatic Medicine - Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Conditions, Cardiovascular System Model-
Han Chang-Hwan
Korean J Str Res. 2002;10(2):1-22. Published online December 30, 2002
- The author conducted a literature review to better characterize the current concept of psychosomatics regardeding the relationship between psychological and behavioral factors and cardiovascular disease. This review focus on several problems : hypertension, coronary artery disease such as myocardial infarction and angima pectoris. We describe model for understanding the relationship of psychological factors to the disease, review the results fo relevant research studies and provide recommendation for further research.
- Psychosomatic Medicine - The Aspect of Family Medicine -
Lee Hong-Soo
Korean J Str Res. 2002;10(2):23-30. Published online December 30, 2002
- The author conducted a literature review to better characterize the current concept of psychosomatics regardeding the relationship between psychological and behavioral factors and cardiovascular disease. This review focus on several problems : hypertension, coronary artery disease such as myocardial infarction and angina pectoris. We describe model for understanding the relationship of psychological factors to the disease, review the results of relevant research studies and provide recommendation for further research.
- A Strudy of Stress Management in Oriental Medicine
Lee Seung-Gi
Korean J Str Res. 2002;10(2):31-40. Published online December 30, 2002
- Objective : This study was designed to develop stress management programs in oriental medicine. Method : Several famous books in oriental medicine and articles related to stress management were investigated. And also stress management programs in Psychiatry and psychology were investigated. then they were compared. Results : Adapting to nature, mental training, Oigong theraphy, control of feeling, moderation of sexual life, diet, matching life with Sasang constitution, oriental psychotherapy and herbal could be recommended as stress management programs in oriental medicine. Conclusion : Stress management programs collected by oriental medical books and artcles are similar to those of psychiatry and psychology. But, there are also differences between them. That's the reason why basic theories and philosophy are much different.
- Effects of stress Early in Life on Drug Abuse at Adolescent Period in Rats
Lee Seou, Kim Dong-Goo
Korean J Str Res. 2002;10(2):41-50. Published online December 30, 2002
- We have previously reported that stress early in life resulted in long-term behavioral and neurochemical alter-ations in later life. In this study, we aimed to examine the effect of stress early in life on drug abuse at adolescent period using experimental animals, Sprague-Dawley rats.
We used a 60 times exposure to an inescapable and unpredictable footshock as a stressor, and rats were exposed to the stressor twice on postnatal days (PNDs) 14 and 21. Two different classes of drugs of abuse, methamphetamine and dextromethorphan, were tested in this study. Rats were treated with methamphetamine4 mg/kg/day or dextromeethorphan 40 mg/kg/day intraperitoneally during PND 28-37, and methamphetamine 0.8 mg/kg or dextromethorphan 40 mg/kg was challenged on PND 45 after 7 days of drug free period. Locomotor activity of a rat was measured just after injection of drugs. Two drugs elicited behavioral sensitization which implied abuse liability of drugs. Interestingly, rats with experience of footshock stress early in life showed more increased locomotor activity on the challenging day, reflecting enhanced behavioral sensitization. These data suggest that experience of severe stress early in life can make the organism more susceptible to the drugs of abuse at adolescent period when the habit of abusing drug usually starts.
- Experimental Pain Induction and Subjective Pain Assessments
Hyun Myoung-Ho, Kim Chung-Song*
Korean J Str Res. 2002;10(2):51-58. Published online December 30, 2002
- Pain was multi dimensional experiences which has sensory, emotional and motivational aspects. Therefore various methods for pain induction and pain measurement has been developed: the laboratory techniques to induce and measure pain in people who are not in pain, and the tools to measure of assess pain in patients who are suffering pain. This present study introduced to methods of pain induction and pain measurements used in laboratory and in clinical settings: for example, electrical, pressure, heat. cold, chemical pain induction and rating scale, visual analogue scale(VAS), McGill Pain Questionnaire(MPQ) etc. However, further studies are needed to develop pain measurements techniques which reflect different properties of human pain and have high validity and reliability
- The Effects of Social Network on the Relation Between Life Event Stress and Depression
Ham Eun-Mi, Lee So-Woo, Im Sock-Bin*
Korean J Str Res. 2002;10(2):59-68. Published online December 30, 2002
- The purpose of this study was to explain the effects of life event stress, positive and negative functions of social network of depression of menopausal women, and to examine buffering effect of positive function of social network and exacerbating effect of negative function. For these purpose, the data were collected from the 176 menopausal women through the life event stress rating scale, CES-D scale, social support and conflict scale. Data were analysed frequency, percentile, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression with SPSS PC+program. The results of this study were as follow :
1. The positive and negative functions of social network had effect on menopausal women's depression as expected. Between the positive and negative functions of social network, negative function of social network had more potent effect on menopausal women's depression than positive function of social network.
2. The buffering effect of positive function of social network was not found. This result is consistent with some previous research. However, further studies on this effect are needed since there are studies which do not support this result.
3. The exacerbating effect of negative function of social network was not statistically significant. This result indicates that regardless of stress level, negative function of social network does not amplify the effect of stress on menopausal depression.
As a conclusion, emphasis on the importance of negative function of social network in this study has offered a new subject for social network research.
- Torture Survivors in Korea
Byun Ju-Na
Korean J Str Res. 2002;10(2):69-82. Published online December 30, 2002
- The study was conducted in order to investigate torture experience of torture victims and health problems of toture victims in Korea. Twenty-nine cases reported by The Korean Human Rights Council in 1996 were analyed:
The major findings were follows
1) Total torture experiences were 52 cases which means that a tortured more than 1.8 times.
2) 107% of victims had physically tortured and 72.4% were psychologically tortured.
3) Beating 67.7%, suspension 9.7%, burn 6.5%, forced eating 6.5%, forced position using 3.2%, suffocation 3.2%, electric torture 3.2% were used as physical toture techniques.
4) Deprivation technique 80.0%, coercion technique 19.0%, were used as psychological torture methods.
5) Among deprivation techniques, sleep deprivation 41.2%, sensory deprivation 29.4%, medical service deprivation 23.5%, nutritional deprivation 5.9% were used.
6) Among coercion techniques, threat 75.0%, mock-execution 25% were used. To conclude, This study presented torture experience of victims and 2 victims' testimonies on health problems for the first time in Korea. This study suggests that torture researches and rehabilitation centers in Korea should be developed.
- Job Stress and Coping Type of Clinical Nurses
Moon Kyoung-Won, Moon Heui-Ja*
Korean J Str Res. 2002;10(2):83-91. Published online December 30, 2002
- This study has been aimed to relieve the stress of the nurses, to increase the job adaption and to provide better nursing service by investigating and analyzing the correlation between the degree of the stress and the type of coping with the clinical nurses on duties.
302 clinical nurses working in three general hospitals and one university hospital with over 400 beds in Seoul and Kyeonggi province answered the questionnaire from Sep. 16th, 2002 to Oct. 8th, 2002 to collect the materials on this study. The collected materials have been analyzed with SPSS program using frequency, percentage, average mean, standard deviation, preference, t-test, F-test(ANOVA), DMR test, Pearson's correlation coefficient.
The Result of This Study.
1) The degree of stress was 2.92 on average and the coping type was 2.49 on average in the result.
2) The degree of the job stress in the general characteristics of the nurses showed no significant difference(p>.05) except with the department of assignment(F=2.437, p=.015).
3) The comparative result of the coping type in the general chracteristics showed no significant difference in statistics (p>.05).
4) There was the significant correlation between job stress and coping type(r=.244, p<.05). In other words, the higher the stress is , the more coping types have been used.
To manage and arbitrate the stress of the nurse in very important subject for individual well-being, occupational development, quality of nursing the patients, and effcient management of human resources. Therefore it is necessary to study on the development of additional causes of stress and the program for the management of stress producted by the recent medical system change.