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- Volume 16(1); March 2008
Original Articles
- A Study of Development of Stress Inventory for the Nuclear Power Plant's Operator
Chang-Il Ahn, Gwi-Yeo-Roo Ahn*, Seon-Ah Yoon
Korean J Str Res. 2008;16(1):1-11. Published online March 31, 2008
- The purpose of this research was to develop a stress inventory applying to nuclear power plant operators and explore various methods of improving job performance of the operators. The inventory constructed by this study consists of three parts. First, 'job stress' which measures various stress sources such as individual, group, environment and task-specific factors. Second, 'resulting behaviors' which measures various damages of physiological, psychological and behavioral aspects as well as the strength of social support system. Finally, 'personality' which measures factors such as aggression, sensitivity and timidity. Reliabilities of the test varied with the sub-scales: .71∼.89 in job stress, .81∼.96 in resulting behaviors, and .60∼.91 in personality sub-scales. Factor analysis was conducted to find 3 factors. The first factor contains personality, the second resulting behaviors, and the third job stress. Relatively high correlations are calculated among the objective stress scores earned from the test and the subjective stress appraisal reported by the individuals and their job change wishes. Therefore it can be said that the test constructed in this study is validated. (Korean J Str Res 2008;16:1∼11)
- The Effects of Music Therapists' Personality Characteristics and Self-efficacy on Burnout
Young Mi Kim and Young Sook Park
Korean J Str Res. 2008;16(1):13-20. Published online March 31, 2008
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of personality characteristics and self-efficacy on music therapists' burnout. Participants were 59 music therapists who had clinical experiences after their graduation from a graduate school of music therapy in Korea. Burnout was measured by the questionnaire developed by Maslach & Jackson(1986). NEO Five Factor Inventory(Costa & McCrae, 1992), and self-efficacy Inventory(Sim, 2007) were used to measure each variables, personality characteristics and self-efficacy. The results were summarized as follows; 1) There were no significant differences in burnout among the groups according to their demographical variables. 2) There were significant differences in burnout among the groups according to career record and job satisfaction. 3) There were no significant differences in burnout according to professional variables, but there were significant differences in emotional exhaustion among the groups according to the number of music therapy sessions. 4) The result of correlation among burnout, personality characteristics and self-efficacy, there was a significant positive correlation between neuroticism and burnout, while there was a significant negative correlation between self-efficacy and burnout. 5) The result of comparison on relative influence between personality characteristics and self-efficacy on burnout, self-efficacy turned out to have a bigger influence on burnout than the personality characteristics. Especially, music therapy skill efficacy turned out to have a bigger influence on burnout than neuroticism. The implications of the study include that to improve music therapists' music therapy skill efficacy is one way to prevent their burnout and that there should be more professional education provided in the training stage of music therapy. (Korean J Str Res 2008;16:13∼20)
- Relationship between Social Style of Personality and Depression in Victims of School Violence
Hyang Joo Song, M.D., M.S., M.A.
Korean J Str Res. 2008;16(1):21-28. Published online March 31, 2008
- This study aimed to elucidate the relationship between the social style of personality of victims of school violence on depressive symptoms. Total 751 adolescents, 15∼17 years of age, were finally analyzed for this study. Samples were all middle or high school students and collected by multistage cluster sampling with stratified random sampling. Students who had a victim experience of school violence showed higher depression scale than those who had not. In the social style of personality, the withdrawns showed higher depression scale than the assertives and the compliants. Moreover, the degree of victim experience of school violence influenced the effect of the social style of personality on depression scale. These results showed that the social style of personality is directly related to the degree of depression in victims of school violence. It is suggested that a counseling based on the social style of victim's personality is needed to a proper victim management in school violence. (Korean J Str Res 2008;16:21∼27)
- Stress, Emotion and Quality of Life of the Middle-aged Women with a Senior in High School
MyungSook Choi*, KuemSun Han
Korean J Str Res. 2008;16(1):29-28. Published online March 31, 2008
- Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between quality of life, emotional condition, stress of the middle-aged women with a senior preparing a college entrance examination in high school in order to have a high quality of life. Method: The subjects of this study were 410 middle aged women. The data were collected from structured questionnaire. Data was collected from September 5 to October 26, 2005. Result: The relationship between stress and feeling regarding a life/ life satisfaction revealed a negative significant correlation (r=−0.341, p<.0001)/(r=−0,312, p<.0001). The relationship between stress and emotional condition revealed a positive significant correlation (r=0,504, p<.0001). The relationship between feeling regarding a life and life satisfaction revealed a positive significant correlation (r=0.242, p<.0001). The relationship between emotional condition and feeling regarding a life/ life satisfaction revealed a negative significant correlation (r=−0.471, p<.0001)/(r=−0.344, p<.0001). Conclusion: Stress of the Middle-aged Women with a senior preparing a college entrance examination might be related to feeling regarding a life, life satisfaction and emotional condition. (Korean J Str Res 2008;16:29∼37)
- Influences of the Degree of Breast Damage and Sex-role Identity on the Breast Cancer Patients' Body Change Stress and Psycho-social Adjustment
Kyung-Moon Chang
Korean J Str Res. 2008;16(1):39-48. Published online March 31, 2008
- This study investigated the influences of the degree of breast damage, sex-role identity on the breast cancer patients' body change stress and their psycho-social adjustment. The relative importance of the variables(i.e., the degree of breast damage, masculinity & femininity, and body change stress) to the breast cancer patients' psycho-social adjustment is also investigated. Total of 204 breast cancer patients who had completed their primary cancer treatments participated in this study. The study concludes that breast cancer patients' body change stress is influenced by the degree of breast damage itself. In contrast, their psycho-social adjustment are influenced by an individual's sex-role identity rather than the degree of breast damage itself. In addition, body change stress was the most important predictor for all the aspects of psycho-social adjustment studied. Masculinity was a relatively important predictor for depression and social functioning/relationship adjustment. People with high masculinity showed low in the level of depression and high in social functioning/relationship. High femininity has a beneficial effect on the sex life adjustment of breast cancer patients. (Korean J Str Res 2008;16:39∼49)