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- Volume 20(1); March 2012
Original Articles
- Effects of Korean Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (K-MBSR) on the Blood Pressure, Psychological Symptoms and Quality of Life in Korea Cancer Patients
Won-Jong Lee*, Jin Soo Jun, Young-Sung Kim, Wan-Suk Gim
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(1):1-9. Published online March 30, 2012
- The development in cancer diagnosis and treatment has remarkably increased the survival rate of cancer patients. However, the quality of life of cancer patients has not been considered. In this aspect, Many medical practioners have used mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) to care cancer patients in Western countries. There is no study about the effects of MBSR on cancer patients in Korea. Therefore, we analyzed the effects of MBSR on blood pressure, psychological symptom and the quality of life of various cancer patients. We studied 13 subjects with Korean mindfulness based stress reduction (K-MBSR) as a modified MBSR. Blood pressure was measured and SCL-90-R and BDI for psychological symptom and EORTC QLQ C-30 for quality of life were checked by subjects before and after 6 week K-MBSR program, respectively. After the program, systolic, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressures were reduced by 12.7 (p=0.002), 12.0 (p=0.002), and 11.1 mmHg (p=0.001), respectively. In SCL-90-R, obsessive-compulsiveness decreased from 52 to 47 (p=0.02), and anxiety decreased from 49 to 44 (p=0.04). In BDI, no significant changes were showed. K-MBSR significantly improved EORTC QLQ C-30 score of function (increased by 4.4, p=0.01) and quality of life (increased by 25, p=0.02). Our results show that K-MBSR significantly reduces blood pressure, obsessive-compulsiveness and anxiety and improves the quality of life of cancer patients in Korea. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:1∼9)
- Factors Influencing Depression in Middle Aged Women Who Participated in Vocational Education Program
Eun-Young Kim*, Eun-Young Jung, In-Ryoung Choi*
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(1):11-19. Published online March 30, 2012
- The purpose of this study was to identify climacteric symptoms, fatigue, sleep quality, perceived health status and depression in middle aged women who participated in vocational education program. This study utilized the descriptive correlational design using self-administered questionnaire. The data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0 using descriptive statistics, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The prevalence of possible depression was 54.4%. The mean score for climacteric symptoms was 40.0, for fatigue 12.8, for sleep quality 53.8, for perceived health status 2.2, and for depression 18.6. There were significant negative correlations between depression and perceived health status. There was a significant positive correlation between depression and between climacteric symptoms, fatigue and sleep quality. Stepwise multiple regression revealed that factors significantly affecting variance included climacteric symptoms, education level, marriage, sleep quality, number of delivery, menopause and perceived health status. These factors explained 53.7% of variance in depression. Based upon the findings above, this study provides useful information that could assist in reducing the depression among middle aged women, and indicates that nursing intervention is needed. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:11∼19)
- The Experiences of Antipsychotic Agents in Mentally Disabled
Jeoung Weon Park, Hwa Yoon Im
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(1):21-30. Published online March 30, 2012
- The purpose of the study was to understand the experiences of antipsychotic agents in mentally disabled, and explore the nature of drug compliance. The research participants consisted of the 8 Persons living in Seoul from November 2010 to Aug 2011. The data was created by the interview on the experiences of antipsychotic agents. The analysis of the data was made Colaizzi's phenomenological analytic method. Five categories that emerged from themes and themes clusters were: 1) following taking medicine 2) recognizing medicine's necessity 3) burden from taking medicine 4) facing taking medicine 5) accepting medicine as a company. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:21∼30)
- The Effect of Preferred Music Listening on Anxiety among Pre-operative Patients
Soonjung Hwang*, Namrye Seo*, Mia Choi, Kyungja Im, Juna Byun
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(1):31-40. Published online March 30, 2012
- The purpose of the study was to measure the effects of listening to music on anxiety for pre-operative patients. Subjects were 48 pre-operative patients waiting for surgery at C University hospital in J City. A non-equivalent control group with pre and post-test design was used for the study. The 24-patient study group had listened to preferred music continually from the ward to the operation room for 2 hours while the 24-patient control group had been on bed rest. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1975) was employed before and after testing. The study found that listening to music was significantly effective on blocking anxiety level increase in the mean while anxiety level was increased in control group. The degree of anxiety was significantly reduced in women and the young by vocal music. However, age was the one significant predictor that reduced anxiety by 22.2% explanation of the total. To conclude, listening to patient's preferred music was a therapeutic intervention for anxiety intervention, especially for the pre-operative young age group. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:31∼40)
- Factors Influencing Suicidal Ideation in University Students
Kyoung Mi Yang*, So Youn Bang, Soon-Yi Kim
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(1):41-50. Published online March 30, 2012
- The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing suicidal ideation in university students. A descriptive correlation study design was used. A self-report questionnaire was administered to a convenience sample consisting of 859 university students to examine such students' suicidal ideation, depression, life stress (seven subscales) and psycho-social maturity (five subscales). The SPSS win 14.0 programs was used for descriptive analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The mean score for suicidal ideation was 0.76 (range: 0∼4). Suicidal ideation was found to have a significant positive correlation with depression (r=.511, p=<.000), friend problems (r=.315, p=<.000), economic problems (r=.256. p=<.000), and future problems (r=.227, p=<.000). The main factors that were found to contribute to suicidal ideation were depression (Ղ=.371, p=<.000), sexual identity (Ղ=−.173, p=<.000), self-esteem (Ղ=−.141, p=<.000), and friend problem (Ղ=.121, p=<.000), which accounted for 34.5%. It was found in this study that depression contribute most to the suicidal ideation among university students. As such, it is suggested that an education and training program on preventing or coping with depression should be provided to university students. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:41∼50)
- Effect of Treadmill Exercise According to Gender on Spatial Memory in Old-Aged Rats
Mal-Soon Shin*, Bo-Kyun Kim*, Su-Shin Lee*, Yu-Mi Heo*, Chang-Ju Kim*, Sam-Jun Lee
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(1):51-60. Published online March 30, 2012
- We investigated the effects of treadmill exercise according to gender on spatial memory in old aged rats. Two month-old female rats and male rats were used as the young-aged groups, meanwhile 16-month-old female rats and male rats were used as the old-aged groups. The rats were divided into 8 groups (N=6 in each group): young-aged female control group, young-aged female exercise group, young-aged male control group, young-aged male exercise group, old-aged female control group, old-aged female exercise group, old-aged male control group, old-aged male exercise group. The rats in the exercise groups were forced to run on a motorized treadmill for 30 min once a day for 4 weeks. In old-aged rats, spatial memory was disturbed, in contrast treadmill exercise improved spatial memory in the old-aged rats. Neurogenesis in the hippocampus was decreased and apoptosis was increased in the old-aged rats. In contrast, treadmill exercise increased neurogensis and decreased apoptosis in the old-aged rats. Myostatin and follistatin expressions in the hippocampus were increased in the old-aged rats. Treadmill exercise suppressed myostatin and follistatin expressions in the old-aged rats. There was no gender difference in these effects of treadmill exercise. We showed that treadmill exercise is a very useful strategy for ameliorating age-induced memory loss by increasing neurogenesis through suppressing myostatin and follistatin expressions. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:51∼60)
- An Analysis of Family Function and Burden of Family Caregivers of the Patient with Brain Injury
Yeon Kim*, Eun Young Choi
Korean J Str Res. 2012;20(1):61-68. Published online March 30, 2012
- The purpose of this descriptive research were to investigate the relationship between family function and burden of family caregivers of the patient with brain injury, and to offer basic data to find alternatives of reducing their burden. Subjects, 106 family caregivers of the patient with brain injury, were selected through convenience sampling method from the 2 hospitals in Kwangju. Data were collected through the structured questionnaires that include general characteristics, family function scale, and burden scale. They were analyzed by Cronbach'alpha, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, t-test and Pearson Correlation Coefficient by using SPSS/PC+ program. The mean score for family function was 60.98 and burden was 72.76. Burden with caregivers' general characteristics was related to age, marital status, support after admission, caring years, caring hours per day and alternation. Burden with patients' general characteristics was related to sex, religion, education, hospitalization experience, operation experience, present condition and prognosis. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:61∼68)