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Volume 21(1); March 2013
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Original Articles
A Study on the Effects of Body Image, Perfectionism, and Obsessive Compulsion on Depression among University Students
Kyoung Mi Yang
Korean J Str Res. 2013;21(1):1-11.   Published online March 31, 2013
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This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the correlation of body image, obsessive compulsion, and perfectionism with the incidence of depression among university students. A descriptive correlation study design was used. A convenience sample consisting of 593 (311 male, 282 female) university students recruited from four universities was established. The SPSS Win20.0 program was used for descriptive analysis, t-test, Chi-square test, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, and multiple-regression analysis. In the male subjects, depression had a significant positive correlation with body image dissatisfaction (r=.210, p=.000) and obsessive compulsion (r=.326, p=.000), and a significant negative correlation with self-oriented perfectionism (r=−.202, p=.000). The main factors that were found to contribute to depression were body image dissatisfaction (Ղ=.215, p=.000) and obsessive compulsion (B=.338, p=.000). In the female subjects, depression had a significant positive correlation with body image dissatisfaction (r=.311, p=.000), socially prescribed perfectionism (r=.283, p=.000),and obsessive compulsion (r=.372, p=.000). The main factors that were found to contribute to depression were Major (Ղ=−.113, p=.038), body image dissatisfaction (Ղ= .239, p=.000), socially prescribed perfectionism (Ղ=.127, p=.028), and obsessive compulsion (Ղ=.328, p=.000). It was found in this study that body image dissatisfaction and obsessive compulsion contribute most to the incidence of depression among university students. To decrease the incidence of depression among university students, an education and training program on decreasing obsessive behavior should be provided to such students. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:1∼11)
Prevalence of Internet or Game over 2 Hours Daily and Its Association with Junk Food Eating, Hygiene, and Safe Behavior
Sun Mi Shin
Korean J Str Res. 2013;21(1):13-21.   Published online March 31, 2013
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Purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence of internet use or game over 2 hours daily and its association with junk food eating, hygiene, and safe behavior. It was cross-sectional study by using secondary data from 25,367 subjects, Standard Survey of elementary, middle and high school in Seoul. Descriptive and Chi square test and multiple logistic regression were conducted to identify prevalence and odds ratio of Internet use or game over 2 hours daily associated with junk food eating, hygiene, and safe behavior. The prevalence of internet use or game over 2 hours daily was 22.6%. Its odds ratio were 1.45 times for male, 9th vs 1st grade 9.61 times, Gangnam vs Joong-bu region 0.67 times, frequent Ramen intake 3.44 times, soft drink 1.25 times, and fast food 1.50 times. Rarely hand washing was 1.42 times, less frequent toothbrushing 1.46 times, and unwearing protective equipment (during In-line skating etc.) 1.34 times. In this study, it was founded that internet use or game over 2 hours daily was problematic use in behavioral aspect. Therefore, it is needed that perception like that problematic internet use is a crucial health problem among student population, and that effective alternatives to prevent and intervent it. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:13∼21)
The Protective Factor of Perceived Stress in Adolescences: Focused on Resilience, Parenting Behavior, School Life
Dong Hee Kim
Korean J Str Res. 2013;21(1):23-30.   Published online March 31, 2013
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The objective of this study was to identify protective factors associated with perceived stress in adolescents. Data were collected form 270 middle school students. The measurements were the self-report questionnaire on resilience, and the Childrearing Behavior Questionnaire (measuring three dimensions of parenting practice: warmth-acceptance, rejection-restriction, and permissiveness-nonintervention), and measurements of relationship with friends and teachers. Descriptive, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analyses were used. There was a significant relationship between perceived stress in adolescents and resilience (r=−.424, p<.01), maternal (r=−.344, p<.01) and paternal (r=−.277, p<.01) warmth-acceptance parenting behavior, maternal (r=−.434, p<.01) and paternal (r=−.378, p<.01) rejection-restriction parenting behavior, relationship with friends (r=−.211, p<.01), and relationship with teachers (r=−.223, p<.01). The result of multiple regression analysis showed that perceived stress significantly associated with resilience (Ղ=−0.265, p=.000) and maternal rejection-restriction parenting behavior (r=0.575, p=.001). Comprehensive interventions designed to enhance the resilience of adolescents, prevent rejection-restriction and improve parenting behaviors may be helpful in mitigating perceived stress in adolescents. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:23∼30)
The Relationship among Ego-States and Job Stress of Nurses at Pediatrics
Eun Jung Kim
Korean J Str Res. 2013;21(1):31-40.   Published online March 31, 2013
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The purpose of this study was an descriptive research to investigate the relationship among Ego-states and Job Stress of Nurses at Pediatrics. The subjects of this study were 205 Nurses at pediatrics. The data were collected from structured questionnaire, and were collected from January, 2013. The results were summarized as follows; The egogram structure of nurses at pediatrics was N-Shape with the predominant ego state of NP led by protruding the dependent type NP. Job stress with subjects' general characteristics was related to Age, marital status, Religion, Education, Stress of Pediatrics care. The relationship among Ego-states and Job Stress revealed a negative significant correlation. Our results suggest that it is needed to educate management about job stress and prepare a plan for improving Stress copying strategies. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:31∼40)
The Effects of the Acceptance-Commitment Group Therapy (ACT) on the Self-Control, Psychological Well-Being, Experiential Avoidance and Cognitive Fusion in Alcoholics
Jeong Hwa Lee, Chong Nak Son
Korean J Str Res. 2013;21(1):41-50.   Published online March 31, 2013
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The purpose of the this study was to develop the acceptance-commitment group therapy (ACT) for alcoholics and to evaluate the effects of the acceptance-commitment group therapy (ACT) on the self-Control, psychological well-being, experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. For this study, 7 alcoholics were assigned into treatment group (ACT) and 10 assigned into control group. The time of each session was 2-hours and the program was held 2 times a week for 5 weeks. Both the treatment group and the control group were had pre-treatment, post-treatment, and the 1 month follow-up assesment with The psychological well-being, experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. The results showed that at the post-treatment assesment (ACT), the treatment group reported significantly higher psychological well-being compared to the control group. At the follow-up assessment, the effects of the treatment group was maintained. In addition, the treatment group reported significantly lower scores in level of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance. but significant changes in experiential avoidance was not occurred. Results indicated that the treatment group showed more treatment effect than the control group in experiential avoidance, psychological well-being and cognitive fusion. These results suggest that the acceptance-commitment group therapy can be applied effectively for alcoholics. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:41∼50)
Life-Stress Faced by Elementary School Students from Multi-Cultural Families and Its Influence on Their Elementary School Adjustment: The Moderating Effects of Self-Esteem, Parent-Child Relations, and Peer Relations
Junseong Park*, Haejung Ahn&#;, Taeyun Jung&#;
Korean J Str Res. 2013;21(1):51-60.   Published online March 31, 2013
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The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between life-stress of elementary school students from multi-cultural families and their elementary school adjustment and to test moderating roles of self-esteem, parent-child relations and peer relations in that relationship. A total of 100 elementary school participants - 50 students from multi-cultural families and 50 students who are enrolled with children in multi-cultural families - were asked to complete a questionnaire related to the multi-cultures in Korea. According to the results, there were significant differences between the students in terms of elementary school adjustment, parent-child relations, and relations with classmate. However, there were no differences found between the students about life-stress and self-esteem. In relations between the life-stress and school adjustment of children from multi-cultural families, the significant moderating effects of both self-esteem and parent-child relation were found. And the significant moderating effects of peer relations for Korean native children were found. Finally, the effecting indicators of children' adjustment of elementary school from multi-cultural families were discussed in relation to relevant results. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:51∼60)
The Relationship between the Head Nurse's Decision Making Style Perceived by Nurses and Job Satisfaction, Role Conflict and the Organizational Health in Nurses
Na-Sun Ha
Korean J Str Res. 2013;21(1):61-71.   Published online March 31, 2013
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The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the Head Nurse's decision making style perceived by Nurses and Job satisfaction, role conflict and the organizational health in Nurse. The study included 473 nurses working in 2 university hospitals in seoul. The data were collected from 2, May, 2012 to 28, July, 2012. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, scheffé test and pearson correlation coefficient, with SAS package were used for data analysis. The results are as follows. They were significant differences in job satisfaction, role conflict and organizational health by field, carrier. There was found significant and positive correlation among HN's decision making style perceived by nurse and job satisfaction, organizational health in nurse; among job satisfaction and organization health in nurse. There was found significant and negative correlation among HN's decision making style perceived by nurse and role conflict; among role conflict and job satisfaction, organization health in nurse. Through this results, to increase job satisfaction, organizational health and to reduce role conflict in nurses, it is necessary to developing decision making competency of head nurse. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:61∼71)