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Volume 23(1); March 2015
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Original Articles
Mediating Effect of Acceptance in Relationship between University Life Stress and Satisfaction with Life
Jisun Park
Korean J Str Res. 2015;23(1):1-8.   Published online March 31, 2015
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This study has been carried out in order to investigate the mediating effect of acceptance in relationship between university life stress and satisfaction with life. The researcher has performed questionnaire on the university life stress, acceptance and satisfaction with life for 310 university students in Pusan. The Results of this study were as follows. First, there was a negative correlation between present problem of university life stress, acceptance and satisfaction with life. But there was a positive correlation between acceptance and satisfaction with life. Second, the mediating effect of acceptance in relationship between present problem of university life stress and satisfaction with life was significant. The conceptual implications of acceptance for coping of university life stress was discussed. Also, the implications and limitation of this study were discussed for future research were suggested. (Korean J Str Res 2015;23:1∼8)


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  • The Mediating Effect of Experiential Avoidance on the Relationship between Diabetes Distress and Self-Stigma in People with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Republic of Korea
    Kawoun Seo
    Healthcare.2023; 11(20): 2773.     CrossRef
  • Work-focused cognitive behavioral intervention for psychological complaints in patients on sick leave due to work-related stress: Results from a randomized controlled trial
    Vita Ligaya Dalgaard, Lars Peter Sønderbo Andersen, Johan Hviid Andersen, Morten Vejs Willert, Ole Carstensen, David John Glasscock
    Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Moderating Effects of Reasons for Living and Impulsivity on the Relationship between Stress and Suicidal Ideation among College Students
    Sung Hye Kim
    Korean Journal of Stress Research.2016; 24(3): 103.     CrossRef
  • Self-awareness, Other-awareness and Communication Ability in Nursing Students
    Eun-jung Oh, Sung Hee Ko, Ji Young Kim, Sung Reul Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2015; 21(4): 426.     CrossRef
School Organizational Culture, Principal’s Leadership and Teachers’ Emotional Labor
Ji Eun Kim, Kuem-Sun Han
Korean J Str Res. 2015;23(1):9-18.   Published online March 31, 2015
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This study aimed to investigate degree and the relationship among school organizational culture, principal’s leadership, and emotional labor and to determine the influential factors related to emotional labor on teachers. The objects were 143 teachers who work at 15 primary and secondary schools in Seoul. The data were collected from 1, December, 2013 to 31, January, 2014. It was analyzed with descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation of SPSS and with multiple stepwise regression. There’re significant correlations between school organizational culture and principal’s leadership including self-awareness, relational transparency, balanced processing, and internalized moral perspective and between school organizational culture and emotional labor. There’re significant correlations between emotional labor and principal’s leadership including self-awareness, relational transparency and balanced processing. Regression analysis, the explanatory variable were task, other career, internalized moral perspective, fairness, and teaching career in order. Especially, task, internalized moral perspective, fairness were significant variables predicting teachers’ emotional labor. It is concluded that in order to minimize the level of teachers’ emotional labor, there should be establishing positive school organizational culture and principal’s leadership considering teachers’ individual work characters. And there needs development of protocol to standardize it and nursing intervention for teachers to manage their emotional labor. (Korean J Str Res 2015;23:9∼18)


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  • Job engagement among novice school counselors: Daily emotion regulation in the context of job demands and resources
    Soeun Hong, Sang Min Lee
    Asia Pacific Education Review.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
Association of Sleep Habit with Health Behavior, Experience of Accident and Injury Treated among Middle School Students in Seoul, Korea
Sun Mi Shin
Korean J Str Res. 2015;23(1):19-25.   Published online March 31, 2015
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The aim of this study was to investigate associations of adolescent's sleep habit with health behavior and experience of accident and injury treated among middle school students in seoul. Cross-sectional, secondary data, representative sample of 7,167 middle school students in seoul was used and categorical analysis and multiple logistic regression was conducted. 12.5% of students had less than 6 hours of sleep a day and 10.0% of those had ≥8 hours. After adjusting for confounding variables, odds ratios of students with less than 6 hours of sleep a day were 2.1 times in female students, 8th grade 1.5 times, 9th grade 1.9 times (reference, 7th grade), 1.8 times in no handwashing with soap before eating or after returning home, 1.4 times in toothbrushing less than twice a day, 2.3 times in requiring consult against drinking and smoking, 1.7 times in experience of accident, and injury treated. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that sleep habit is an important indicator for health promotion. (Korean J Str Res 2015;23:19∼25)


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  • The Effect of Sleep Duration and Relief of Fatigue after Sleep on the Risk of Injury at School among Korean Adolescents
    Jungok Yu, Jungsoon Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(2): 100.     CrossRef
Factors of Suicidal Ideation among Elderly People with and without Spouses
Kyoung Mi Yang*, So Youn Bang
Korean J Str Res. 2015;23(1):27-37.   Published online March 31, 2015
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This study was conducted to investigate the effects of self-esteem, elderly abuse, and depression on suicidal ideation among elderly people with and without spouses. A descriptive correlation study design was used. The study established a convenience sample consisting of 451 elderly people older than 65 (233 with spouse and 218 without spouse) recruited from urban areas. SPSS Win20.0 was used for the descriptive analysis, t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis, and multiple-regression analysis. For the subjects with spouse, suicidal ideation had a significant positive correlation with emotional abuse, verbal abuse, and depression, and a significant negative correlation with low self-esteem. The main factors found to contribute to suicidal ideation were perceived health status (<i>B</i>=.155 and p=.012), low self-esteem (<i>B</i>=?.141 and p=.031), and emotional abuse (B=.340 and p=.001). For the subjects without spouse, suicidal ideation had a significant positive correlation with emotional abuse, verbal abuse, abandonment, and depression, and a significant negative correlation with low self-esteem. The main factor found to contribute most to suicidal ideation was depression (<i>B</i>=.173 and p=.047). The results of this study indicate that for elderly people with spouse, poor health, low self-esteem, and experience of emotional abuse place them at high risk for suicidal ideation, whereas for elderly people without spouse, depression was the primary factor that puts them at high risk. Thus, it is important to provide services to reduce suicidal ideation among elderly people. (Korean J Str Res 2015;23:27∼37)


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  • Factors Affecting Bereaved Spouses’ Quality of Life: A Systematic Review
    Wonjung Noh, Songi Jeon
    Stress.2020; 28(4): 254.     CrossRef
The Effect of Emotional Labor, Job Stress and Way of Coping on the Organizational Commitment of Nurses in a General Hospital
Kuemsun Han*, Taeyoun Kimdagger;
Korean J Str Res. 2015;23(1):39-48.   Published online March 31, 2015
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This study was designed to suggest a path model that anticipates the effect of emotional labor, job stress and way of coping on the organizational commitment of nurses in a general hospital. For this purpose, the participants were 400 nurses working for a university hospital located in Seoul. The data were collected with self-administered questionnaires from August 8 through August 16, 2011 and analyzed using the SAS 9.2 and AMOS 5.0 programs. The results of this study can be summarized as followed; The hypothetical model was a saturated model in which the degree of freedom was zero. As a result, path of emotional labor to stress coping types was removed. The fitness index of the modified path model suggests that the modified path model fit the actual data well in overall terms. The results of the path analysis indicated that the variable which directly affected the nurses’ organizational commitment were emotional labor and stress coping types, indirectly were job stress. It was found that emotional labor and job stress had a negative effect on organizational commitment. Job stress had a positive effect on way of coping, way of coping had a positive effect on organizational commitment. To sum it up, for enhancing the nurses’ organizational commitment, it is necessary to the development of positive coping strategies that used when emotional labor level was increased. Also, a continuous education and the program development were need in order that nurses used positive way of coping when job stress level was increased. (Korean J Str Res 2015;23:39∼48)


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  • The Effect of Teacher Emotional Labor on Commitment: The Mediating Role of Teacher Psychological Capital in Iranian Primary Schools
    Esmat Taheri, Kosar Shirzad, Fatemeh Afsahi, Masoumeh Kouhsari
    Educational Studies.2024; 60(2): 199.     CrossRef
  • Relationship between Occupational Stress and Organizational Commitment of Physician Assistant Nurses: Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital
    Myung Jee Han, So Young Choi
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2024; 30(4): 357.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated with Job Stress among Hospital Nurses: A Meta-Correlation Analysis
    Ji-Young Lim, Geun-Myun Kim, Eun-Joo Kim
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(10): 5792.     CrossRef
  • Factors Job Commitment of Preceptor Nurse
    Seo Yeon Lee, Kuem Sun Han
    Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2022; 31(2): 192.     CrossRef
  • The Moderating Effects of Self-esteem and Ego-resilience on the Relationship between Emotional Labor, Depressive Symptom, and Job Satisfaction in Nurses
    Taeyoun Kim, Kuem Sun Han
    Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2021; 30(3): 209.     CrossRef
  • Duygusal Emeğin Örgütsel Bağlılığa Etkisi: Konaklama İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma
    Sebahattin Acar, Aydın Çevirgen
    İş ve İnsan Dergisi.2021; 8(1): 91.     CrossRef
  • The Causal Relationships among Staff Nurses' Job Stress Factors, Patient Safety Culture Perception and Patient Safety Nursing Activities in a University Hospital
    Mi-Kyung Kim, Sang-Mi Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2019; 25(4): 340.     CrossRef
  • The Study of Preceptor Nurses’ Occupational Stress and Burden
    Joohee Han, Eun Kwang Yoo
    Korean Journal of Stress Research.2018; 26(1): 38.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Emotional Labor and Organizational Justice on Organizational Socialization of Emergency Room Nurses
    Sung Ran Joe, Eun Kyung Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2017; 23(4): 397.     CrossRef