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Volume 24(3); September 2016
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Original Articles
Moderating Effects of Reasons for Living and Impulsivity on the Relationship between Stress and Suicidal Ideation among College Students
Sung Hye Kim
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):103-113.   Published online September 30, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to examine moderating effects of relationship reasons for living between stress and suicidal ideation among college students. The subject of this study were 608 college students and subjects completed a test of stress, reasons for living, Impulsivity, suicidal ideation. The data were analyzed by corrlation analysis, hierarchical analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, stress were significantly affected to the suicidal ideation. Second, reasons for living, Impulsivity moderated the association between stress and suicidal ideation. Based upon these findings we suggested to develop comprehensive suicidal prevention program and the implications and limitations of these findings were discussed, and directions for future studies were also proposed.


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  • Mediating Effect of Quality of Sleep Moderated by Meaning in Life on the Relationship between Hwabyung and Suicidal Ideation in Middle-Aged Korean Women
    Goo-Churl Jeong, Jae-Sun An, Sun-Hwa Shin
    Behavioral Sciences.2023; 13(6): 509.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Attitude toward Suicide, Suicidal Ideation, Suicidal Behaviors in People with Mental Disorders in Community
    Keun Young Park, Ji Young Kim
    STRESS.2021; 29(1): 60.     CrossRef
  • Psychosocial factors affecting sleep quality of pre-employed firefighters: a cross-sectional study
    MyeongSeob Lim, Solam Lee, Kwanghyun Seo, Hyun-Jeong Oh, Ji-Su Shin, Sung-Kyung Kim, Hee-Tae Kang, Kyeong-Sook Jeong, Sung-Soo Oh, Sang-Baek Koh, Yeon-Soon Ahn
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
Impact of Mobile Office Stress on Work-Family Conflicts and Work-Leisure Conflicts: Moderating Effects of the Relation Oriented Organizational Culture
Jun Seok Bang, Jinkook Tak
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):114-126.   Published online September 30, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to develop the mobile office stress scale and examine the negative effects of mobile office stress on work-family conflicts and work-leisure conflicts. In addition, moderating effects of relation oriented organizatonal culture on relationships between mobile office stress and work-family conflict and work-leisure conflict were examined. Data were obtained from employees using mobile office in workplace, and total 249 answers were used for analysis. For the mobile office stress scale, a total of 13 items, consisting of 4 factors were developed. The results of structure equation modeling analysis showed that mobile office stress had significant effects on work-family conflicts and work-leisure conflicts. Also the results of hierarchial regression analyses showed that relation oriented organizational culture did not have a significant moderating effect for the relationship between mobile office stress and work-family conflict. However, for the relationship between mobile office stress and work-leisure conflict, relation oriented organizational culture had a significant moderating effect. Finally, implications, limitations, and suggestions and directions for future research were discussed.


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  • Mobile Working Stress and Employee Innovative behavior: Exploring the Role of Organizational Conflict and Work Engagement
    Luki Suardi, Asnan Furinto
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence.2023; 17(1): 2150.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Balanced Time Perspective on Happiness of Korean Employees: Focusing on the Parallel Dual Mediating Effects of Work-leisure Conflict, Work-leisure Facilitation
    Jeewon Chun
    Journal of Families and Better Life.2022; 40(3): 87.     CrossRef
  • How Does Mobile Workplace Stress Affect Employee Innovative Behavior? The Role of Work–Family Conflict and Employee Engagement
    Xinyuan Wang, Zhenyang Zhang, Dongphil Chun
    Behavioral Sciences.2021; 12(1): 2.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Hospital Nurses: Compared to Female Wage Workers
    Dong Min Son, Young-Il Jung
    Stress.2019; 27(3): 268.     CrossRef
The Effect of Non-regular Employment on the Health Behaviors, Mental Health and Quality of Life: Data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013
Seong Eun Kim, Yeong Sook Yoon, Yun Jun Yang, Eon Sook Lee, Jun Hyung Lee, Dong Jun Kim, Jung Il Kim, Dai Jung Yeo, Ji Yeon Lee, Eun Gyoung Song
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):127-136.   Published online September 30, 2016
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There has been a growing interest in the health status of non-regular workers. We performed this study to examine the relationship between non-regular employment and health behaviors, mental health, and Quality of life (QOL). We analyzed 2013 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data and 1846 adults (aged 20∼60 years) were included. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the effects of employment type, work type, and work hours on health behaviors (medical exam, cancer screening, smoking, alcohol intake, exercise), mental health (stress, depressed mood), and QOL (EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D)). We observed that male non-regular workers were likely to take less medical check-up and cancer screening and to have more problems with usual activity domain of EQ-5D. Female non-regular workers also took less medical check-up, felt more stress and depression, and had significantly more problems with mobility, usual activity, and anxiety/depression domain of EQ-5D. The multivariate-adjusted Odds ratios(ORs) for not having medical check-up and cancer screening in male non-regular workers were 3.88 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.58∼5.85) and 1.77 (1.19∼2.65), respectively. Female non-regular workers have significantly higher OR for having depressive mood (1.80, 1.06∼3.05) and having problems with usual activity (5.12, 1.06∼24.8), and anxiety/depression (2.08, 1.07∼4.04) domain of EQ-5D. There was no significant differences in poor health behavior between regular and non-regular workers, but female night shift workers have significantly higher OR for current smoking (2.85, 1.51∼5.35) compared with day workers. This study showed that non-regular employment was associated with worse health behavior, mental health, and QOL.


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  • Health Behaviors of Cancer Survivors According to the Employment Status and Occupation: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Ka Ryeong Bae, Wi-Young So, Su Jung Lee
    Healthcare.2023; 11(22): 2974.     CrossRef
  • Do depression and its associated factors differ in women daytime and shift workers?: an analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2018
    Hyun Ju Chae, Mijong Kim
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2021; 27(2): 113.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of Working Cancer Survivors: Based on the 6th and 7th (2014, 2016, 2018) Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES)
    Jahyun Choi, Sanghee Kim
    Asian Oncology Nursing.2020; 20(4): 171.     CrossRef
  • Gender Differences With Regard to Perceived Job Insecurity and Insomnia in a Working Population
    Selin Kim, Wonjeong Jeong, Yun Kyung Kim, Sung-In Jang, Eun-Cheol Park
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2019; 61(12): e474.     CrossRef
  • The effects of job characteristics and non-regular work on the toothbrushing habit and oral check-up in Korean worker: using data from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KAHANES, 2016)
    Eun-Jung NamKoong, Deuk-Sang Ma
    Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health.2019; 43(4): 204.     CrossRef
The Relationship between Stress, Psychological Hardiness, Social Support and Quality of Life in Insomniacs
You Jin Kim, Hye Mi Lee, Seung Yeon Lee
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):137-150.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This study investigates the gender differences in the relationship between stress and quality of life in people with insomnia, and examines the possible mediating and regulating effects of psychological hardiness and social support, respectively, on these variables. The study was conducted from November 2009 to April 2010 with patients from a sleep disorders clinic in the department of neurology of a general hospital in Seoul. The data were collected from 146 subjects that were deemed suitable to participate by a sleep specialist via a questionnaire measuring their quality of life, stress, psychological hardiness, and social support. We found significant gender differences in quality of life and its sub-factor physical health, and significant but minor differences in social support and its sub-factor family support. Furthermore, a partial mediating effect was found for control and challenge attitudes—both of which are sub-factors of psychological hardiness—in the relationship between stress and quality of life for people with insomnia. The total scores of quality of life, physical health, and psychological health as well as their respective sub-factors were not significantly related with social support or its sub-factors, even when accounting for the effects of stress and its sub-factors. Although friend support had a significant effect on social relations, and support from significant others had a significant effect on quality of life measures regarding one’s environment, not all sub-factors of social support had regulating effects; for instance, social support showed no relationship with stress or its sub-factors.

The Relation of Parenting Stress, Anger and Somatization Symptom of Mothers
Eun-Kyung Kim, Chin Kang Koh
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):151-160.   Published online September 30, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to identify the relation of parenting stress, anger and somatization symptom in mothers. Data were collected from 104 mothers of infants 12 months to 7 years old and analyzed by the statistical package SPSS WIN 20.0. The mean score for parenting stress was 78.26, that of anger was 74.00 and that of somatization symptom was 8.09. The score for parent domain was the highest in parenting stress and that of anger-control was the highest in anger expression. And the score of the trait anger was higher than that of the state anger. The parent domain was significant correlated with state anger (r=.490, p<.001) and trait anger (r=.415, p<.001), parent-children domain was significant correlated with state anger (r=.418, p<.001), somatization symptom was significant correlated with parent domain (r=.454, p<.001) and state anger (r=.488, p<.001). Anger-in (t=4.864, p<.001) and parent domain in parenting stress (t=2.380, p=.019) were significant predictors explaining 35.7% in somatization symptom.


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  • The Effects of Stress Vulnerability and Parental Burnout on Mental Health in Women with Early School-Age Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mediating Effect of Spirituality
    Mijung Yeom, Min Kwon
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2024; 54(1): 106.     CrossRef
  • Influence of First-Time Visitors’ Perceptions of Destination Image on Perceived Value and Destination Loyalty: A Case Study of Grand Canal Forest Park, Beijing
    Lu Lu, Min Jiao, Lisheng Weng
    Forests.2023; 14(3): 504.     CrossRef
  • Maternal Experiences of Anger While Raising a Child
    Ji-Hye Hwang, Soo-Yeon Han, Sun-Mi Chae, Mi-Ra Kim
    Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health.2023; 27(4): 247.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Changes in Parenting Behavior during Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
    Mi-Ra Kim, Sun-Mi Chae
    Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health.2022; 26(2): 80.     CrossRef
  • Are Neighbors and Neighborhoods Still Important? Examining the Impact of Neighbors and Neighborhood Environments on Mothers’ Parenting Stress
    Soyoung Lee, Meejung Chin, Miai Sung
    Journal of Comparative Family Studies.2021; 52(3): 317.     CrossRef
  • Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Program Utilizing Literature for Mental Health of Menopausal Women
    Yeong-Seon Hong, Kuem-Sun Han
    Korean Journal of Stress Research.2021; 29(4): 250.     CrossRef
  • How Parenting Anxiety, Number of Children, and Employment Status Affect the Parental Anger of Mothers with Young Children in Korea
    Kai-Sook Chung, Mina Kim
    Korean Journal of Child Studies.2020; 41(5): 1.     CrossRef
  • Maternal abusive parenting and young South Korean adolescents' problematic smartphone use: The moderating effects of time spent hanging out with peers and trusting peer relationships
    Kyung Eun Jahng
    Children and Youth Services Review.2019; 98: 96.     CrossRef
  • A Structural Equation Model on Quality of Life of Mothers of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Chan Gyeong Park, Mi Yang Jeon
    Child Health Nursing Research.2017; 23(3): 279.     CrossRef
  • Relationship among Parenting Stress, Self-Esteem and Social Support on Mental Retardation Child Mother's
    Chu-young Jeong, Young-sook Seo
    Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science.2016; 4(4): 709.     CrossRef
Relationship between Exercise Frequency and Stress in Korean Postmenopausal Women
Yoon Jeong Cho, Geon Ho Lee
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):161-166.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This study was conducted to understand the relationship between stress and exercise frequency in postmenopausal women of Korea. The participants were 1,883 postmenopausal women who had visited a single medical center in Daegu, between 2005 January to 2009 December. We excluded women who had been previously diagnosed depressive disorders or had been treating in hormonal replacement therapy. We used PWI-SF (psychosocial well being index short form) for measuring stress. The sum of PWI-SF score was classified into healthy (less than 8), latently stressed (9∼26) and high risk stressed (more than 27) groups. The frequency of exercise was divided into none, mild (1∼2 times a week), moderate (3∼4 times a week) and intense (more than 5 times a week) groups. We analyzed the data by utilizing chi-square test, ANOVA and ANCOVA. Our study showed a significant negative correlation between PWI-SF and frequency of exercise. Furthermore our result showed a statistically significant correlation between level of education, income and stress, while alcohol and smoking were not significantly associated with PWI-SF. Our result demonstrated that higher frequency of exercise was associated with low PWI-SF score in postmenopausal women of Korea.


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  • Effects on Heart Rate Variability of Stress Level Responses to the Properties of Indoor Environmental Colors: A Preliminary Study
    Jiyoung Oh, Haengwoo Lee, Heykyung Park
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(17): 9136.     CrossRef
The Effect of Work-Family Conflict, Fatigue and Perceived Health on the Health Promoting Behavior of Married Working Women a Rural Population
HyeaKyung Lee, EunHee Shin
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):167-176.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This study aims to investigate the relationship of workplace to family conflict, fatigue, recognition of health status and health enhancement behaviors in the subjects of middle aged businesswomen, and to analyze the factors to affect their health enhancement behaviors. The subjects of this study were 152 middle aged businesswomen from 40 to 64 years old who lived in South and North Choongchung Provinces, and their data were collected using by the survey form. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and multiple linear regression with stepwise method. The variables with the highest influence to the health promotion activity of middle-aged working women were fatigue 16.0% (β=−.319, p<.001), family type 2.2% (β=−.163, p=.031), and work-family conflict 1.8% (β=−.181, p=.033) and it was found that these three variables explained 20.9% of health promotion activity. There needs to be plans to lower the levels of fatigue and work-family conflict that is known as predictive factors of health promotion activity of middle-aged working women as well as further social support for subjects who do not live with their family. In addition, it is required to establish the simple exercise facilities in the workplace so as for the middle aged businesswomen who hardly spend the time to enhance their health so often. Moreover, the atmosphere of the workplace should be organized to increase the perception and the practices on the health enhancement by sports for all that can be simply practiced in the workplace without specific facilities.


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  • Factors affecting physical and mental fatigue in adults from South Korea: A cross-sectional study
    Kyeha Kim, Jihyun Oh
    Medicine.2023; 102(50): e36549.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship between Parenting Stress and Health Promotion Behavior of Working Women: Mediating Effect of Supporting Resources
    Gwijin Lee, Jinhwa Lee, Bokim Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2021; 32(4): 529.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Experiences of Health Problems and Coping in Middle-aged and Elderly Women in the Community: Focusing on Focus Group Interview Approach
    Yeo Won Jeong, Kyung Im Kang, Byeong Ju Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(2): 119.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Perceived Stress, Marital Intimacy and Mental Health on the Climacteric Adaptation in Middle-aged Women in Urban Areas
    Hyun-Joo Park
    The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing.2019; 22(1): 38.     CrossRef
Korean Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (K-MAIA): Development and Validation
Wan-Suk Gim, Kyo-Lin Sim, Ok-Kyung Cho
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):177-192.   Published online September 30, 2016
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In this study, based on a critical review of the 32-item Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (Mehling, Price, Daubenmier, Acree, Bartmess & Stewart, 2012; MAIA), a 32-item Korean edition of MAIA was developed in a pilot study and validated in two studies. In a pilot study, the 32 items of MAIA were adapted to Korean language, then administered to 253 adults for item analysis. Based on the results on item discrimination, internal consistency, and exploratory factor analysis, the scale was revised and reconstructed. In the study 1, the scale was administered to 295 adults; reliability analysis and exploratory factor analysis were performed, and correlation coefficients with other related scales were examined. In addition, interoceptive awareness was compared among groups with varying experiences in training related to interoceptive awareness. In the study 2, the scale was administered to 223 adults; confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Results showed that the Korean edition of MAIA with a total of 32 items and six factors had sufficient reliability and validity, demonstrating a high reliability based on internal consistency of .94, theoretically consistent levels of correlation coefficients with other scales, and satisfactory construct validity. The study concludes with discussions on implications and limitations of the study.


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  • The Relationship Between Interoceptive Awareness, Emotion Regulation and Clinical Symptoms Severity of Depression, Anxiety and Somatization
    Su Jin Lee, Mimi Lee, Hyeong Beom Kim, Hyu Jung Huh
    Psychiatry Investigation.2024; 21(3): 255.     CrossRef
  • The association between interoception and olfactory affective responses
    Tomohiro Arai, Tomoko Komano, Taro Munakata, Hideki Ohira
    Biological Psychology.2024; : 108878.     CrossRef
  • Body Awareness in Patients With Depression and/or Anxiety Disorder
    Su Jin Lee, Hyeong Beom Kim, Hyu Jung Huh
    Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association.2023; 62(1): 63.     CrossRef
  • Pilot Study About the Effects of the Soma Experiencing Motion (Soma e-Motion) Program on Interoceptive Awareness and Self-Compassion
    Mi-Sun Lee, Sun Je Kim, Jeong-Ho Chae, Soo-Young Bhang, Mimi Lee, Hyeong Beom Kim, Hyu Jung Huh
    Psychiatry Investigation.2023; 20(3): 284.     CrossRef
  • Psychometric properties of an Arabic translation of the multidimensional assessment of interoceptive awareness (MAIA-2) questionnaire in a non-clinical sample of Arabic-speaking adults
    Feten Fekih-Romdhane, Diana Malaeb, Mirna Fawaz, Nancy Chammas, Michel Soufia, Sahar Obeid, Souheil Hallit
    BMC Psychiatry.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Validation of the shortened 24-item multidimensional assessment of interoceptive awareness, version 2 (Brief MAIA-2)
    Aleksandra M. Rogowska, Rafał Tataruch, Klaudia Klimowska
    Scientific Reports.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Interoceptive Awareness Among the General Public in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Ebtihaj Omar Fallata, Kadeja Abdulrahman Bashekah, Reem Mohammed Alqahtani, Sohaib Essam Althagafi, Mohammed Hisham Bardesi, Abdulaziz Mustafa Adnan, Mohammed Ali Alfaqih, Abdulrahman Mauafaq Aljifri, Hind Mauafaq Aljifri
    Cureus.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Open-Label Placebo Treatment for Experimental Pain: A Randomized-Controlled Trial with Placebo Acupuncture and Placebo Pills
    Seoyoung Lee, Dha-Hyun Choi, Minyoung Hong, In-Seon Lee, Younbyoung Chae
    Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine.2022; 28(2): 136.     CrossRef
  • Multidimensional assessment of ınteroceptive awareness (MAIA 2): psychometric properties of the Turkish version
    Saliha ÖZPINAR, Emre DUNDER, Yaşar DEMİR, Melih AKYOL
    Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine.2021; 4(2): 132.     CrossRef
  • Translation and validation of a Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) version of the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA)
    Jennifer Todd, David Barron, Jane E. Aspell, Evelyn Kheng Lin Toh, Hanoor Syahirah Zahari, Nor Azzatunnisak Mohd. Khatib, Viren Swami, Yee Cheng Kueh
    PLOS ONE.2020; 15(4): e0231048.     CrossRef
  • Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness: Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Version
    Joana Machorrinho, Guida Veiga, Jorge Fernandes, Wolf Mehling, José Marmeleira
    Perceptual and Motor Skills.2019; 126(1): 87.     CrossRef
  • Investigating Multidimensional Interoceptive Awareness in a Japanese Population: Validation of the Japanese MAIA-J
    Masayasu Shoji, Wolf E. Mehling, Martin Hautzinger, Beate M. Herbert
    Frontiers in Psychology.2018;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Brain responses and self-reported indices of interoception: Heartbeat evoked potentials are inversely associated with worrying about body sensations
    Mindaugas Baranauskas, Aida Grabauskaitė, Inga Griškova-Bulanova
    Physiology & Behavior.2017; 180: 1.     CrossRef
Evaluating Enhanced Commitment Strategies to Reduce Drop-out in a Domestic Violence Victims Treatment Program
Jungeun Lee, Alan Fruzzetti
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):193-200.   Published online September 30, 2016
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가정폭력 피해 여성을 위해 개발한 기존 치료 프로그램의 효과와 만족도가 높음에도 불구하고, 프로그램 중도 탈락률은 70퍼센트에 탈하였다. 본 연구에서는 참여자의 치료 참여율을 높이기 위해, 변증법적 행동치료에 기초한 개입전략을 개발하였다. 개입을 하지 않은 집단과 비교했을 때 개입을 한 집단에서 전반적인 참여율 상승은 나타나지 않았다. 그러나, 개입집단에서 치료를 완료한 연구참여자의 비율이 높았다(개입집단 46%, 비개입집단 28%). 추가적으로 본 연구의 함의와 이후 연구를 위한 제안을 논의하였다.


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  • The longitudinal relationships between undergraduate students’ competencies and educational satisfaction according to academic disciplines
    Ji-Won Kim, Sun-Geun Baek
    Asia Pacific Education Review.2020; 21(4): 573.     CrossRef
Effects of Acceptance and Downward Contrast on Subjective Agingwell
Haewon Ju, Myoung Ho Hyun
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):201-209.   Published online September 30, 2016
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The purpose of the present study was to address how to boost subjective agingwell. The concept of subjective agingwell describes elders’ evaluative reactions—cognitive, affective, and spiritual—to their aging. Two hundred and fifty community-dwelling elders completed the instruments assessing acceptance, downward contrast, and subjective agingwell. Results from hierarchical regression analyses showed that acceptance, downward contrast comparison, and the interaction between acceptance and downward contrast could positively affect subjective agingwell. Specifically, confidence bands indicated that downward contrast could enhance subjective agingwell only when the level of acceptance was low. These findings represent a step forward in finding an efficient avenue to enhance subjective agingwell.

Moderating Effects of Family Strength on the Relationship between Role Stress and Depression of Family Care Workers
Byeong Joo Jeon, Kyung-Won Choi
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):210-219.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This study examined 168 family care workers who work in the ChungnamㆍChungbuk Province about how role stress affects to depression, and verified moderating effects of family strength in this process. The results were as follows: First, it was found that role conflict of role stress was more than average level, and role overload of role stress was somewhat lower than average level. Family strength was found to be lower than average level, and depression was found to be higher than average level. Second, influential factors of depression were role overload, family strength, health status, and role conflict. Third, role overload was found to have moderating effects on the relationship between role stress and depression. Based on such empirical analysis results, this study suggested comprehensive working strategies to improve family strength and to prevent depression of family care workers.

Effects of the Newborn Parenting Program for Marriage Immigrant Primiparas on their Parenting Stress and Mothers’ Role Confidence
Jinhee Lee, Sangeun Oh
Korean J Str Res. 2016;24(3):220-230.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This study was performed to develop the newborn parenting program for marriage immigrant primiparas and to identify the effects of this program on their parenting stress and mothers’ role confidence. The participants were thirty marriage immigrant primiparas (15 for intervention group and 15 for control group). The newborn parenting program was consisted of ‘good parenting for newborn’ and ‘infant massage’, which was done through providing information and demonstration using two booklets by 2 times visiting at hospital and home, and 4 times telephone counseling with parenting and infant massage (2 times/day). The data were analyzed with using x2-test, Fisher’s exact probability, and Wilcoxon rank sum test. The program significantly decreased parenting stress and improved mothers’role confidence of the marriage immigrant primiparas in the intervention group compared to the control group. These results indicate that the newborn parenting program is a family nursing intervention which has affirmative effects on the parenting stress and mothers’ role confidence of marriage immigrant primiparas for parenting their child and adjusting their marriage in Korea.


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  • The Effects of the Infant Health Promotion Program for Mothers with Their Firstborn Infants
    Chae-Min Yoon, Mi-Ae You
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2023; 53(6): 666.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a newborn care education program using ubiquitous learning on exclusive breastfeeding and maternal role confidence of first-time mothers in Vietnam: a quasi-experimental study
    Tran Thi Nguyet, Nguyen Vu Quoc Huy, Yunmi Kim
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2021; 27(4): 278.     CrossRef