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Volume 25(1); March 2017
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Review Article
Current Therapeutic Approaches in Spinal Cord Injury: Pharmacological, Rehabilitation, Cell-based, and Psychological Intervention
Wootaek Lim, Bongsam Choi
STRESS. 2017;25(1):1-7.   Published online March 31, 2017
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이 연구는 현재 척수 손상시 널리 적용되는 치료적 중재에 대한 고찰 및 제한점에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 척수 손상은 신경학적 손상과 그에 따른 심각한 근육 위축을 초래한다. 손상 초기에는 산화적 스트레스, 지질 과산화 등과 같은 이차적 손상으로 인한 추가 신경 손상을 막기 위해 약물요법이 널리 사용되고 있다. 또한 삶의 질과 관련성이 높은 보행 능력에 대한 임상 전, 임상 연구는 보행 능력의 회복에 그 촛점을 맞추고 있으며, 이에 대한 예로서, 트레드밀 훈련, 자전거 훈련, 로봇 훈련 등이 시행되고 있다. 최근에는 세포나 조직을 이식하는 이식치료가 많은 관심 속에 연구되고 있으나 안전성을 확보하기 위한 추가적인 연구가 필요하다. 척수손상은 단순히 신체손상뿐아니라 정신건강에도 부정적 영향을 주는 다면적인 손상을 초래할 수 있기때문에 단독치료 접근방법 보다는 심리인지적 치료를 포함한 다양한 치료가 결합된 형태를 고려해야 한다.


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  • Developing a Psychological Intervention for Decreasing Bedtime Procrastination: The BED-PRO Study
    Sooyeon Suh, Nayoung Cho, Sonhye Jeoung, Hyeyoung An
    Behavioral Sleep Medicine.2022; 20(6): 659.     CrossRef
  • A Case Report of Complex Korean Medicine Treatments for Tetraplegia Caused by Spinal Cord Injury
    Eun-jung Kim, Dong-hoon Kim, Sang-gu Yoo, Da-hye Kim, Se-won Lee, Ji-yun Bae, Seon-woo Kim, Cheol-woo Park, Shin-chul Hur
    The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine.2020; 41(2): 122.     CrossRef
  • Does vitamin C have the ability to augment the therapeutic effect of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on spinal cord injury?
    Nesrine Salem, MohamedY Salem, MohammedM Elmaghrabi, MoatazA Elawady, MonaA Elawady, Dina Sabry, Ashraf Shamaa, Abdel-HaleemH Elkasapy, Noha Ibrhim, Azza Elamir
    Neural Regeneration Research.2017; 12(12): 2050.     CrossRef
Original Articles
Effect of Belly Button Meditation (BBM) on Stress Response, Physical Symptoms, Work Flow of the Workers
Seungho Lee, Jaehan Shin, Jihun Han, Sangchul Jang, Hyesook Shin
STRESS. 2017;25(1):8-16.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of the Belly Button Meditation (BBM) technique on stress response, physical symptoms, and work flow of workers in South Korea. Study participants were randomly assigned into 3 groups: an experimental group, a comparative group, and a control group, with each group comprising 25 individuals. The experimental group received training on the BBM program by watching and practising a 10-minute BBM exercise video, while the comparative group performed a national gymnastics routine according to 10-minute video. Both groups received this training 3 times a day for 4 weeks. Stress response, physical symptoms, and work flow were assessed at pre and post of the study. The pretest for demographic variables, stress response, physical symptoms, and work flow were found to be statistically homogeneous. The experimental group showed a statistically significant decrease in stress response and physical symptoms compared with the comparative and control groups at the posttest of the study. The experimental group also showed a statistically significant increase in work flow. The results of this study suggest that the BBM program may be effective in relieving the stressors and physical symptoms and improving the degree of work flow. Long-term training on the BBM program has positive psychological and physical benefits, as shown by previous studies. However, this study is significantly meaningful for decreasing stress and physical symptoms, and improving the work flow of workers through the introduction and practice of a 10-minute meditation exercise into the daily routine of busy workers.


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  • Effects of Medicaid Case Manager's Communication Competence and Stress on Their Job Satisfaction
    Seung Joo Lim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2019; 30(2): 195.     CrossRef
The Effect of Long Working Hours on Binge Eating Behavior: The Mediating Effects of Negative Emotions
Dasol Kim, Jimin Kim, Jiyeon Shin, Seung-cheol Kim, Myoung-Ho Hyun
STRESS. 2017;25(1):17-22.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The current study investigates the mediating effect of negative emotions (depression, anxiety, and anger) in the relationship between long working hours and binge eating behavior in order to examine the effect of long working hours on individual health. Two hundred four workers completed questionnaire about working hours, depression, anger, anxiety, and binge eating behavior. Results confirmed the most employees work more than 10 hours at least once a month. Additionally, it was found that depression, anger, and anxiety all partially mediate the relationship between long working hours and binge eating behavior. The results indicate that long working hours influences negative emotions that leads to binge eating behavior.


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  • Revision of Nutrition Quotient for Korean adults: NQ-2021
    Sung-Min Yook, Young-Suk Lim, Jung-Sug Lee, Ki-Nam Kim, Hyo-Jeong Hwang, Sehyug Kwon, Ji-Yun Hwang, Hye-Young Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2022; 55(2): 278.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Stress and Anxiety Caused by COVID-19 on the Quality of Life of Small Business Owners in an Area
    Hae Ok Kim, Hyoen Jeong Kim, Hye Ji Jo
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2022; 33(3): 279.     CrossRef
  • A study on the Correlation between Quality of Sleep and Dry eye in Workers
    Hye-Won Park, Tae-Hun Kim
    The Korean Journal of Vision Science.2018; 20(1): 77.     CrossRef
The Effect of the Growth-Writing Program on Anxiety, Powerlessness, Hope, and Guilt in Mother of Children with Cancer
Eunsun Jeong, Jeongsun Heo, Myoung-Ho Hyun
STRESS. 2017;25(1):23-29.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study compared the effectiveness of group growth-writing program on anxiety, powerlessness, hope and guilt of mother with pediatric cancer patient with those of waiting-list control group. Participants were assigned to two groups: a growth-writing group (N=14), a waiting-list control group (N=14). At baseline, post-treatment and follow-up, all participants completed questionnaires. The growth-writing program was delivered in three sessions. As a result, growth-writing group showed significant decrease in anxiety, guilt and significant increase in hope compared to the waiting-list control group without any activities. However, powerlessness did not have significant change. This study examined that growth-writing could be an effective intervention for mothers with the pediatric cancer patients. Limitations and suggestions for further studies were included.


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  • The Effect of Self-Compassion Writing on Self-Discrepancy, Social Anxiety, and Skin-Related Quality of Life in Adults with Acne Vulgaris
    Chan Woo Lee, Myoung-Ho Hyun
    Stress.2020; 28(4): 300.     CrossRef
Effect of Calling, Meaning of Work, Job Stress, and Stress Coping on Organizational Commitment among Career Soldiers
Hye Won Kim, Jae Eun Yoo, Chung Hee Woo
STRESS. 2017;25(1):30-36.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of calling, meaning of work, job stress, and stress coping on organizational commitment among career soldiers. Data were collected from 160 career soldiers using a structured self-reported questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. The results showed the mean scores were organizational commitment 3.72±0.80, calling 3.00±0.66, meaning of work 3.05±0.36, job stress 2.28±0.35, active stress coping 3.67±0.36, and passive stress coping 3.16±0.41 each. Organizational commitment had positive correlation with calling (r=.19, p=.019), meaning of work(r=.45, p<.001), and active stress coping (r=.44, p<.001); but negative correlation with job stress (r=−.53, p<.001). The affecting factors were job stress (β=−.36), active stress coping (β=.18), meaning of work (β=.17), monthly income (β=−.16) in order. The explained variances for organizational commitment was 37.0% among career soldiers. Therefore, in order to improve the organizational commitment of career soldiers, it is necessary to promote active coping skills to reduce job stress and to develop educational strategies to give meaning of work as a career soldier from the period of junior leaders.


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  • The impact of nurse’s sense of calling, organizational commitment, job stress, and nursing work environment on patient safety management activities in comprehensive nursing care service units during the covid-19 pandemic
    YeJi Lee, Won Ju Hwang
    BMC Nursing.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • The Relationship between Air Force Air Crew’s Calling and Flight Safety Behavior
    Min Sung Song, Sang Woo Park, Young Woo Sohn
    Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics.2023; 31(3): 17.     CrossRef
  • An Empirical Study on the Effect of Military Foodservice Satisfaction on Soldiers’ Morale
    Donghee Lee, Byung Yun Bae, Sungyong Choi
    Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering.2020; 43(3): 228.     CrossRef
Effect of Body Figure Discrepancy, Body Esteem, Interpersonal Stress, and Sociocultural Attitude toward Appearance on Social Pressure Related to Appearance Perceived by High School Students
Eun Mi Lee, Yu Jeong Kim
STRESS. 2017;25(1):37-43.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of body figure discrepancy, body esteem, interpersonal stress, and sociocultural attitude toward appearance on social pressure related to appearance perceived by high school students. A total of 219 students were recruited from a high school in C city. Data were collected by means of self-reported questionnaires from July 13 to 29, 2016. Students with severe body figure discrepancy had higher interpersonal stress (t=2.37, p=.019), peer pressure (t=2.35, p=.019), and parents pressure (t=3.00, p=.003) than students who did not. The social pressure related to appearance were more sensitive as body figure discrepancy, female students, sociocultural attitude toward appearance, and interpersonal stress were higher, and these factors accounted for 30.3% in social pressure related to appearance. The social pressure by peers and parents changes according to the recognition of high school students’ body figure discrepancy and sociocultural attitude toward appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an intervention program and promote a sociocultural environment so that students can establish a healthy body image.


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  • Body Esteem among Korean Adolescent Boys and Girls
    Sukkyung You, Kyulee Shin
    Sustainability.2019; 11(7): 2051.     CrossRef
The Relation between Self-Encouragement, Perceived Stress and Psychological Well-Being: The Moderated Mediating Effect of Support-Seeking Emotion Regulation Style
Jee-Ae Huh, Jung Mun Kim
STRESS. 2017;25(1):44-51.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The study examined how self-encouragement, support-seeking emotion regulation style and perceived stress impact on psychological well-being in early adulthood. Specifically, self-encouragement through perceived stress affects psychological well-being. At the same time, support-seeking emotion regulation style sets the moderated mediating effect to moderate the impact of perceived stress on psychological well-being and it is verified. The subject of this study were conducted targeting 404 people of early adulthood (age 18∼40) in the metropolitan area. First, it shown to self-encouragement reduces perceived stress. Second, the perceived stress has been found to affect the psychological well-being. Third, self-encouragement influences psychological well-being. Finally, support-seeking emotion regulation style was never an insignificant effect, but perceived stress moderated impact on psychological well-being. This study demonstrated the mediating role of perceived stress in the relationship of self-encouragement and psychological well-being. In addition, the significance is being said that perceived stress and psychological well-being can be adjusted depending on the level of support-seeking emotion regulation style. The results of this study would be expected to provide useful data in counseling interventions in counseling scene for the psychological well-being of the early adults.


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  • Encouragement as a Protective Factor for New Christian Pastors
    Diana R. Williams, Paula Thompson
    Pastoral Psychology.2022; 71(4): 455.     CrossRef
  • The Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy and Coping Strategy in Relation to Job Stress and Psychological Well-Being of Home-Visiting Care Workers for Elderly during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Hee-Kyung Kim, Jeong-Hyo Seo, Cheol-Hee Park
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(19): 12164.     CrossRef
Mediating Effect of Decentering on the Relationship between Self Discouragement and Psychological Wellbeing of University Students
Jisun Park, Jinhee Park
STRESS. 2017;25(1):52-56.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study has been carried out in order to investigate the mediating effect of decentering on the relationship of self discouragement and psychological well-being of undergraduate students. The data of self discouragement, decentering and psychological well-being were obtained. Finally, the total data of 243 undergraduate students were analyzed. The results of this study were as follows. Finally, the total data of 243 undergraduate students were analyzed. Second, decentering partially mediated the relation between self discouragement and psychological well-being. In other words, self discouragement impeded decentering and influenced on psychological well-being negatively. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed.


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  • The Shipibo Ceremonial Use of Ayahuasca to Promote Well-Being: An Observational Study
    Debora Gonzalez, Jordi Cantillo, Irene Perez, Maria Carvalho, Adam Aronovich, Magi Farre, Amanda Feilding, Jordi E. Obiols, José Carlos Bouso
    Frontiers in Pharmacology.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Mediating Effect of Binge Eating Behavior on the Relationship between Depression and Self Discouragement of University Female Students with Diet Experience
    Jisun Park
    STRESS.2019; 27(4): 448.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship between Unstable Attachment and Subjective Well-Being: Mediating Effect of Decentering and Self-Compassion
    Yong Hee Kim
    Stress.2018; 26(4): 290.     CrossRef
Video-counseling: Needs Assessment and Perception of Service Utilization
Sungjin Im, Jungeun Lee, Shin Han
STRESS. 2017;25(1):57-62.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Recent national survey data suggest that lifetime prevalence of mental disorders are on the rise in South Korea while utilization of mental health services remains low. These results are disconcerting, and it is critical to find ways to increase access to mental health services and service utilization. One emerging solution is to provide psychological intervention via the Internet, and wide use of computer and mobile devices makes video-counseling a low-cost alternative to traditional face-to-face psychotherapy. In the current study, a total of 190 adults completed a questionnaire assessing the history of mental illness, experience with psychotherapy, and attitudes towards video-counseling, mainly focusing on treatment needs, future service utilization, effectiveness, and cost. Results suggest that participants endorsed the pros more strongly than the cons of video-counseling. Specifically, participants reported accessibility, privacy, and convenience as major strengths, and provider credentials and reduced confidentiality as major weaknesses. Limitations of the current study and recommendations for implementing online counseling service are further discussed.


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  • Research on the Characteristics and Usefulness of User Reviews of Online Mental Health Consultation Services: A Content Analysis
    Jingfang Liu, Lu Gao
    Healthcare.2021; 9(9): 1111.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of topics and characteristics of user reviews on different online psychological counseling methods
    Jingfang Liu, Lu Gao
    International Journal of Medical Informatics.2021; 147: 104367.     CrossRef
  • Predictors of health-related quality of life in korean patients with myocardial infarction: a longitudinal observational study
    Kyoungrim Kang, Leila Gholizadeh, Hae-Ra Han, Sally C. Inglis
    Heart & Lung.2018; 47(2): 142.     CrossRef