This study is an integrative review of literatures of research on emotion processing in depression using facial expression stimuli.
For the review, we searched domestic and international research articles over the past 20 years according to the integrative review procedure and selected the final 19 papers.
The results of the review revealed that depressed people, compared with those who were not depressed, had the following differences. First, they needed longer time for precise processing of emotion. Second, they managed to recognize positive emotion with high intensity while easily recognized negative emotions with low intensity. Third, they tended to overestimate the intensity of negative emotion. Fourth, they showed a negative interpretation bias to ambiguous or neutral facial expressions. Meanwhile, consistent results across the studies were not found for the variable of accuracy.
Our results suggest that it is necessary to develop more elaborate intervention program and design more sophisticated experiment for further coherent understanding of depression.
Fear-avoidance model for pain suggests interpretation bias affects subsequent pain experience. However, limited research has been conducted on the role of interpretation bias in a subjective pain experience. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of interpretation bias modification for pain outcomes (i.e., pain intensity, threshold, and tolerance).
53 healthy university students were randomly assigned to either the training (n=28) or the control group (n=25). Interpretation bias and negative emotion were assessed before and after conducting the interpretation bias modification for pain (IBM-P). During a cold pressor task, pain outcomes were measured.
Results indicated that the training group showed significantly decreased interpretation bias and negative emotion than the control group after the IBM-P. Also, participants in the training group was found to have a greater pain threshold during the cold pressor task than those in the control group. Furthermore, the IBM-P effect on increased pain threshold was mediated by post-interpretational bias. Other pain outcomes and mediating effect of post-interpretational bias on the negative emotion were not significant.
Results highlight that interpretation bias is modifiable and plays an important role in pain outcomes. Thus, using IBM-P for pain patients can be a useful application to alleviate their pain outcomes. Future research should consider the precise role of interpretation bias that affects patient’s pain outcomes.
The purpose of this study was to test the relationships between academic burnout, mental health, parental achievement pressure, and academic demand in high school students.
For these aims of this study, data were collected from 430 students (185 males, 245 females) in three Korean high schools. It was used Korean Academic Burnout Scale, Parental achievement pressure, academic demand, and Symptom Check List-47. The research method used t-test to find out the difference of each variable according to academic burnout, and the variables predicting academic burnout through hierarchical multiple regression analysis.
As a result of correlation analysis, academic burnout showed negative correlation with achievement, and high positive correlation with all variables of mental health and academic demand. The results of multiple regression analysis revealed that academic burnout affects achievement, academic demand and depression in the subfactors of mental health.
These findings suggest that interventional efforts are needed for these emotional factors.
The following study was designed to identify the aspects of orthorexia nervosa in Korea and the relationship between orthorexia nervosa and fear of obesity to establish the basis for diagnosis of orthorexia nervosa.
We collected Dusseldorf Orthorexia Scale (DOS), perceived suspectibility and severity to obesity, fear of obesity, Korean Overall Body Esteem Scale (K-OBES), body mass index (BMI), subjective evaluation of obesity degree, body satisfaction, reason for diet and demographic characteristics from 321 adults and then analyzed the data using SPSS 23.0.
The results showed that perceived severity to obesity and subjective evaluation of obesity degree was negatively correlated with DOS and had significant effect on DOS. These findings suggest orthorexia nervosa is not behavior to prevent and manage obesity. Also, the relationship between DOS and demographic characteristics such as gender and age and psychological variable such as fear of obesity, body esteem and satisfaction was not significant.
Orthorexia nervsoa is an independent condition that distinguishes it from anorexia nervosa, which shows a fear of obesity, a disturbance in the way to experience their body and difference between sex. Last, the limitations and implication for future work are discussed.
Happiness is an issue on college campuses because college is a time of transition to adult and professional life. In particular, nursing college students feel an excessive burden on patient care and relationships with medical staff in heavy academic stress and clinical practice at universities, causing psychological disorders such as tension, anxiety, depression, etc. due to these problems. The purpose of this study is to identify the temperament and personality types of nursing college students and to identify the factors that affect each type of subjective happiness.
The research method used TCI-RS to identify the temperament and character, and subjective happiness was measured using Oxford’s happiness sensitivity tool. The statistical methods utilized the methods of technical statistics, ANOVA, and multiplicity.
The percent of below 30 percentile of self-transcendence (ST) and persistence (P) were 48.4%, 43.7% whereas The percent of above 70percentile correspondence (CO), self-directedness+cooperativeness (SC), and reward dependence (RD) were 50.7%, 49.3%, 39.0%. Factors affecting the subjective happiness of nursing college students are harm avoidance (HA) (β=−.16), p<.001), RD (β=27, p<.001), self-directedness (SD) (β=.59, p<.001) and 69% explained. Nursing college students had higher subjective happiness as autonomous students and higher social sensitivity. In comparison, the lower the hedging tendency, the higher subjective happiness.
To enhance subjective happiness of nursing college students, arbitration seems to be necessary considering the temperament and character of individual students.
Although there is a relationship between paranoia and loneliness in several studies, the mechanisms that explain how loneliness augments paranoia remain unclear. The study investigates the effects of self-concept in the relationship between loneliness and paranoia.
149 participants (male N=70, female N=79, mean age: 22.05 years) completed the questionnaires measuring levels of loneliness, self-concept, and paranoia.
Data from this study show that loneliness has a significantly negative effect on self-concept and positive effect on paranoia. Self-concept has a significantly negative effect on paranoia. Also, it was analyzed that meditating effect on self-concept is significant on the relationship between loneliness and paranoia
Based on the result of this study, it was confirmed that loneliness could activate self-concept negatively, which leads to an increase in paranoia. Also, current results suggested that in the treatment of paranoia, it was important to deal with feeling of loneliness as well as intervention in self-concept.
대학생은 성에 대한 올바른 의식과 가치관을 가져야 하며, 성적자기주장은 여대생에게 필수적인 의사소통전략이다. 이에 본 연구는 여대생의 외모만족도, 자아존중감 및 성적자기주장 간의 관련성을 파악하고, 성적자기주장에 영향을 미치는 요인을 확인하기 위해 시도되었다. 연구대상자는 일대학교에 재학중인 여대생 166명으로, 구조화된 설문지를 이용하여 자료수집하였다. 연구결과 여대생의 성적자기주장은 외모만족도와 자아존중감과 정적 상관관계가 있었으며, 전공에 대한 만족도와 자아존중감이 성적자기주장을 48.3% 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 여대생의 성적자기주장 증진을 위한 상담이나 중재를 계획할 때, 여대생 스스로가 자신의 외모를 긍정적으로 수용하고, 자아존중감을 높이는 것이 중요한 부분이 되어야 할 것이다.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of body image distortion on health behaviors practice in high school students.
This study used a secondary data analysis study with the data derived from the 2019 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey. The study sample included 20,787 high school students. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS program using Rao-Scott
The prevalence of adolescents with body image distortion was 24.5% in this study. Health behaviors practice had significant differences according to body image distortion (t=10.29, p<.001), and the score for health behaviors practice in adolescents with body image distortion was lower than those without body image distortion. Gender, grade, school type, school achievement, economic status, and perceived health state were found to be significantly related to health behaviors practice. After controlling significant variables, body image distortion (b=.14, p<.001) was significantly related to health behaviors practice in adolescents, accounting for 4.0% of the variance in health behaviors practice (Wald F=52.75, p<.001).
These findings suggest that body image distortion has negative effects on health behaviors practice and healthcare professionals need to consider enhancing body image for improvement of health behaviors practice in adolescents.