This study is a descriptive survey research that aims to investigate occupational stress and burden in preceptor nurses.
A total of 173 preceptors have more than 3 years experiences were recruited from 2 university hospital in S-city and I-city.
The job demand of occupational stress in preceptor nurses was higher than top 25% of Korean workers. To investigate the level of job demand, preceptor’s burden examined, the preceptor’s burden related to new nurses was higher than other reasons. Variables influencing preceptor’s burden were; work department, education period per new nurse and education level of preceptor.
We suggest repeated research of preceptor nurse’s occupational stress and burden with more variables and it is necessary policy support for nurse’s work environment and improved treatment.
This study aims to identify factors influencing burnout in nurses during COVID-19 disaster situations.
The research subjects were 131 nurses who had the experience of nursing patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, and were selected through convenience sampling. The collected data were subjected to percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS version 24.0 program.
Burnout in nurses showed a statistically significant correlation with anxiety, PTSD, and depression. It was also confirmed that nurses’ depression and shift work were important factors that had significant effects on burnout.
In preparation for new infectious diseases that are expected to become more frequent in the future, a policy to supply nursing manpower and prevent burnout is necessary. In addition, it is necessary to introduce various work systems and develop and disseminate intervention programs for depression and burnout.
This study is a descriptive survey research that aims to provide basic data for efficient human resource management that can contribute to reducing turnover rate among nurses, by identifying the impact of sleep disorder and job stress on the turnover intention of shift working nurses and understanding the key factors influencing their turnover intention.
The subjects of this research were 188 nurses working 8-hour shifts in J-city, G-city and N-city, of which 13 respondents who produced unreliable answers were excluded from the analysis, making the total number of valid questionnaire 175. Collected data were analyzed with a SPSS 12.0 program using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, correlation and stepwise multiple regression.
As for correlation between domains, sleep disorder and turnover intention had positive correlation. Between job stress and turnover intention, the total job stress was positively correlated with turnover intention. Variables influencing turnover intention among the subjects were; the more clinically experienced, and in regards to job stress, the less adapted to workplace climate, the lower the level of payment and the more serious the sleep disorder.
In conclusion, as a nurse in shift work, the more clinical experience, the less the salary, the more sleeping obstacles, the less the job adaptation to the work culture, the more the degree of turnover is found to be high.
This study was conducted to identify the effects of emotional labor, social support, anger expression on nurses’ organizational commitment.
The participants were 175 nurses working at one university hospital. Data were collected from January 26th to February 2nd in 2015 and were analyzed with Multiple Regression Analysis.
The most influential factor on nurse’s organizational commitment was supervisor’s support (β= .40) followed by emotional labor (β=−.24) and peer’s support (β=.15), which together explained their organizational commitment up to 35.0% (F=16.36, p<.001).
Through this study result, the factors influencing nurse’s organizational commitment were supervisor’s support, emotional labor, and peer support, among which supervisor’s support was the most influential factor. The results of the study improve nurse’s organizational commitment, supervisor’s support is needed for nurses to understand and solve problems that they encounter.
In this study, based on a critical review of the 32-item Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (Mehling, Price, Daubenmier, Acree, Bartmess & Stewart, 2012; MAIA), a 32-item Korean edition of MAIA was developed in a pilot study and validated in two studies. In a pilot study, the 32 items of MAIA were adapted to Korean language, then administered to 253 adults for item analysis. Based on the results on item discrimination, internal consistency, and exploratory factor analysis, the scale was revised and reconstructed. In the study 1, the scale was administered to 295 adults; reliability analysis and exploratory factor analysis were performed, and correlation coefficients with other related scales were examined. In addition, interoceptive awareness was compared among groups with varying experiences in training related to interoceptive awareness. In the study 2, the scale was administered to 223 adults; confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Results showed that the Korean edition of MAIA with a total of 32 items and six factors had sufficient reliability and validity, demonstrating a high reliability based on internal consistency of .94, theoretically consistent levels of correlation coefficients with other scales, and satisfactory construct validity. The study concludes with discussions on implications and limitations of the study.
The purpose of this study was to examine the factor structure of the Korean version of CES-D scale by applying the bifactor model. Many studies for validating the CES-D scale have supported the four-factor structure. But some studies found that the three factor structure provided a more appropriate solution. Such inconsistency in the number and structure of factors led us to conduct two studies to clarify the structure of dimensionality of the CES-D-K scale.
In study 1, we factor-analyzed the response patterns to the abbreviated CES-D-K scale (11-item, N=12,309) included the Korean Welfare Panel Study. In study 2, we factor-analyzed the data obtained from 223 college and graduate students who responded to the 20-item CES-D-K scale. Correlational analyses were also conducted to investigate criterion validity of the CES-D-K scale with external variables that are theoretically related to depression. The fit indexes of a single-factor model, a four-factors model, and a bifactor model were compared. The Omega coefficients and Explained Common Variance (ECV) were also computed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the CES–D-K scale more accurately.
The results showed that the CES-D-K scale has a high value of Omega-Hierarchical for the total score, low values of Omega-Hierarchical for the subscale scores, and a high ECV value.
Therefore, we concluded that, as the scale with a strong general factor, the use of the scale score can accomplish the goal of measuring individual differences on the target construct of depression with little to no gain from constructing subscale scores.
The purpose of this study was to investigate nursing students’ disaster experience, perception and stress. Data were collected from 374 nursing students from three nursing colleges in Seoul with self- reported questionnaires. Analysis was performed by descriptive statistics and t-test. The average score of disaster perception was 3.2 out of 5 points, while disaster stress was 5.7 out of 10 points. There was a significant difference in disaster stress with disaster experience. In conclusion, a program is needed to educate nursing students about management of disaster stress. It is also recommended to establish a curriculum which provides opportunities to learn internationally standardized essential disaster nursing tasks.
The purpose of this study was to identify the relation of parenting stress, anger and somatization symptom in mothers. Data were collected from 104 mothers of infants 12 months to 7 years old and analyzed by the statistical package SPSS WIN 20.0. The mean score for parenting stress was 78.26, that of anger was 74.00 and that of somatization symptom was 8.09. The score for parent domain was the highest in parenting stress and that of anger-control was the highest in anger expression. And the score of the trait anger was higher than that of the state anger. The parent domain was significant correlated with state anger (r=.490, p<.001) and trait anger (r=.415, p<.001), parent-children domain was significant correlated with state anger (r=.418, p<.001), somatization symptom was significant correlated with parent domain (r=.454, p<.001) and state anger (r=.488, p<.001). Anger-in (t=4.864, p<.001) and parent domain in parenting stress (t=2.380, p=.019) were significant predictors explaining 35.7% in somatization symptom.
The purpose of this study was to provide an integrative review of ACT for mental health problems to identify content of program and discuss methodological strategy of intervention according to target population. According to Whittmore and Knaf’s integrative review method, this research was conducted in five stages: clarification of research problems, literature search, and quality evaluation of data, data analysis, and data description. The key words in English and Korean were used to search through seven electronic databases. 21 studies were finally included in this integrative review. ACT was used as an intervention for anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder and eating disorders and was effective in social avoidance, anxiety sensitivity, depression, dysfunctional belief and negative thinking. It was also used as an intervention for the maladjustment in adolescence to improve self-esteem and reduce behavioral problem. The six core processes of ACT are useful for people with chronic mental illness who have an ineffective avoidance strategy that avoids their symptoms and does not accept the illness. We give a suggestion that researchers develop and apply appropriate ACT for mentally ill person in hospitals.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of emotional labor, professional self-concept, self-efficiency and social support on burnout of emergency room nurses by verifying the level of burnout of them. Through this, we will reduce the turnover and secure professional manpower and they will provide basic data on efficient manpower management.
The subjects of this study were 130 emergency room nurses of eight hospitals in Seoul. The collected datas were analyzed by the SPSS Version 24.0 program using the percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.
The level of emotional labor of emergency room nurses was higher than that of other nurses. Professional self-concept, self-efficiency and social support have a negative correlation with burnout and there is a positive correlation between professional self-concept, self-efficiency and social support. The major factors influencing burnout were professional self-concept, which was a significant negative influence factor, emotional labor was a significant positive influence and self-efficiency showed a significant negative influence factor.
To reduce the burnout of emergency room nurses, an emotional management program, positive self-concept formation for emergency room nurses are needed. In addition, it is necessary to develop and apply a variety of intervention programs to build policy for long- term working nurse and social support systems.