Chronic fatigue(CF) is common symptom and reported in more than 10% of people seen in primary care and also seen in many physical and psychological disease. It is known that CF is related to acute or chronic stress response, although the mechanism is not clear. Many patients who have the stress-related diseases complaint disabilitating fatigue. And the most common risk factor of CF is stress and heavy overwork. Daytime stress cause the sleep disturbances(insomnia or sleep deprivation), and sleep abnormalities cause daytime fatigue and stress also. The relation of stress and CF is explained by biological model of chronic fatigue based on neuroendocrine axis (Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and locus celuleus- norepinephrine(LC/NE) -autonomic system). Chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) is medically unexplained disorder that has multiple symptoms, especillay CF, cognitive function abnormality and sleep problems. It is well-known that CFS stress sensitive disorder.