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Original Article 두통과 스트레스
Stress Headache
Hyun-Lim Choi
STRESS 2004;12(3):29-28
Published online: November 21, 2004

경희대학교 의과대학

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It is well known that stress can induce or trigger tension headache or migraine. Especially tension headache is known to be so-called "stress headache", which is associated with stress. Tension headache is one of the most common form of headache. They may occur at any age, but is most common in adults and adolescents. Recently the international headache society issued second version of the international classification of headache. It may be generally-accepted classification that is used throughout the world. So I introduce the part of tension headache according to the new classification. Tension headaches result from the contraction of neck and scalp muscles. One cause of this muscle contraction is a response to stress, depression or anxiety. Any activity that causes the head to be held in one position for a long time without moving can cause a headache. Tension headaches are not associated with structural lesions in the brain. The goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms and prevent future headaches. It is important to learn and stress management strategies such as relaxation exercises, meditation or biofeedback. Adequate sleep and rest or massage of sore muscles can help reduce the chance that a headache will occur. Analgesics with muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety drugs may relieve pain if the above measures are ineffective. Prevention is the best treatment. If possible, it is good to remove or control precipitating factors. Lifestyle changes may be required for chronic tension headaches. This may include adequate rest and exercise, change in job or recreational habits, or other changes.

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