서울대학교 간호대학
College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
To classify adolescents' experiences from excessive internet game use in cyber counseling, we reviewed statements by adolescent on the selected two web sites. All statements were classified into 3 categories according to the main themes; (a) motivations of excessive internet game use (b) negative influences of excessive internet game use (c) psychological difficulties from excessive internet game use. Gratification from virtual relationship, projection of fantasy need, attachment with cyber-self, satisfaction from achievement and recognition were included in motivation category as inducement factors. School work burden and stresses, relationship problems, negative affections were also included in motivation category as avoidance factors. Disturbances in daily life, disturbances in reality distinction, withdrawal symptoms and tolerance to internet game, cognitive and emotional changes, deviated behaviors were included in negative influence category. Self aversion and self-depreciation, guilty feelings were included in psychological difficulty category. Our study will be useful for understanding adolescents' experiences from excessive internet game use and also provide significant information to mental health program for adolescents who use internet game excessively. (Korean J Str Res 2007;15:27∼34)