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Review Article 청소년의 학업적 자기효능감과 스트레스 대처방식이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향
The Influence of Adolescent's Academic Self-efficacy and Stress Coping Style on the School Life
Won Jae Rho, Yoon Yang and Young Sook Park
STRESS 2007;15(1):59-66
Published online: March 31, 2007

이화여자대학교 교육대학원

The Graduate School of Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

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This study was performed to investigate how effectively adolescents' school life could be explained by the variables of academic self-efficacy and stress coping styles. Correlations among the students' school life, academic self-efficacy and stress coping styles were investigated. Canonical correlation analysis as well as multiple regression analysis was performed in order to search the relationships among the sub-classes of three variables such as academic self-efficacy, stress coping styles and students' school life. The 408 high school students of 12 class (266 in 1st grade, 142 in 2nd grade, 71 in male, 337 in female) registered in one high school in Seoul and four high school in Kyung-gi province were surveyed for this study. The followings are the summary of the main results for this study. First, both academic self-efficacy and stress coping styles were significant in explaining the students' school life. However, the academic self-efficacy (32.5 %) influenced more significantly to the students' school life than stress coping styles (7.5%) did. Second, cannonical correlation analysis showed that the students, who have high self-restrained efficacy and prefer the difficult project and actively cope with stress in the way of problem-oriented style and pursuit for the social resources, are significantly effective to school class or adaptive to teacher-student relationship in the students' school life. Throughout the study, active stress coping style was shown to be significantly correlated with academic self-efficacy which was significant to students' school life. In terms of this observation, active stress coping based on the problem-oriented style may improve the students' school life by way of the enhancement of academic self-efficacy. (Korean J Str Res 2007;15:59∼66)

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