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HOME > STRESS > Volume 19(2); 2011 > Article
Original Article 흰쥐에서 스트레스가 불안 및 공간지각 학습행동에 미치는 영향
이진훈*, 이준호*, 최근한*, 김원정, 이수진, 정지혜, 문성근, 정규용§, 최봉규§, 이서울§
Effects of Repetitive Restraint Stress on Anxiety-Like Behavior and Contextual Learning Abilities in Rats
Jin Hoon Lee*, Jun Ho Lee*, Keun Han Choi*, Won Jung Kim, Su Jean Lee, Ji Hye Jung, Sung Keun Moon, Kyu Yong Jung§, Bong Kyu Choi§
STRESS 2011;19(2):107-114
Published online: June 30, 2011

*원광대학교 대학원 의학과, 원광대학교 의과대학 간호학과, 신경외과학교실, §약리학교실, 원광뇌과학연구소

*Department of Medicine, The Graduate School, Departments of Nursing, Neurosurgery, §Pharmacology, Wonkwang Brain Research Institute, Wonkwang University School of Medicine, Iksan, Korea

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The environmental stress may produce to behavioral changes. In this study using a rodent stress model that exposure to the repetitive restraint stress elicits behavioral alterations, especially changes the patterns of the innate behavior but not the contextual memory and learning abilities. Nine weeks old Sprague-Dawley male rats were given the restraint stress (the stressed group) for 6 hours per day for seven consecutive days. The stressed rats were indicated the retarded development within the stressed-session compared to the control group. After the exposure to restraint stress for seven days, the rats' brains were performed to the NADPH-diaphorase stain on the limbic region of the brain. In the stressed animals have increased the counts of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) active neurons in the central amygdala of the brain. For behavioral assessments, animals were subjected to the exposure to novel environment-open-field apparatus-in order to examining the exploratory behaviors especially the ambulatory activity after the stress paradigm. The stressed animals indicated a significantly higher ambulatory activity for 5 min compare to the control animals. Moreover, the zone analysis of the tracking of exploration in open-field monitoring system, the stressed rats were a significantly decreased their activities in the center of arena compared to the control rats. However, the stressed rats were repetitively exposed to the same arena at once per day for 3 consecutive days, which ambulatory activity did attenuate to the control levels 3 days after exploration. These results suggested that the increase of counts of the nNOS reactive neurons in the central amygdala area due to the experience of repetitive stress paradigm can alter the eliciting pattern of the innate behavior and which has not been modulate the contextual learning and memory functions of the brain. (Korean J Str Res 2011;19:107∼114)