성신여자대학교 간호대학 간호학과
Department of Nursing, Sungshin University College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea
The objective of this study was to identify protective factors associated with perceived stress in adolescents. Data were collected form 270 middle school students. The measurements were the self-report questionnaire on resilience, and the Childrearing Behavior Questionnaire (measuring three dimensions of parenting practice: warmth-acceptance, rejection-restriction, and permissiveness-nonintervention), and measurements of relationship with friends and teachers. Descriptive, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analyses were used. There was a significant relationship between perceived stress in adolescents and resilience (r=−.424, p<.01), maternal (r=−.344, p<.01) and paternal (r=−.277, p<.01) warmth-acceptance parenting behavior, maternal (r=−.434, p<.01) and paternal (r=−.378, p<.01) rejection-restriction parenting behavior, relationship with friends (r=−.211, p<.01), and relationship with teachers (r=−.223, p<.01). The result of multiple regression analysis showed that perceived stress significantly associated with resilience (Ղ=−0.265, p=.000) and maternal rejection-restriction parenting behavior (r=0.575, p=.001). Comprehensive interventions designed to enhance the resilience of adolescents, prevent rejection-restriction and improve parenting behaviors may be helpful in mitigating perceived stress in adolescents. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:23∼30)