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Original Article 수용-전념 집단치료가 알코올중독 입원환자들의 심리적안녕감과 경험회피 및 인지적융합에 미치는 효과
The Effects of the Acceptance-Commitment Group Therapy (ACT) on the Self-Control, Psychological Well-Being, Experiential Avoidance and Cognitive Fusion in Alcoholics
Jeong Hwa Lee, Chong Nak Son
STRESS 2013;21(1):41-50
Published online: March 31, 2013

전북대학교 심리학과

Department of Psychology, Chonbuk National Univesity, Jeonju, Korea

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The purpose of the this study was to develop the acceptance-commitment group therapy (ACT) for alcoholics and to evaluate the effects of the acceptance-commitment group therapy (ACT) on the self-Control, psychological well-being, experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. For this study, 7 alcoholics were assigned into treatment group (ACT) and 10 assigned into control group. The time of each session was 2-hours and the program was held 2 times a week for 5 weeks. Both the treatment group and the control group were had pre-treatment, post-treatment, and the 1 month follow-up assesment with The psychological well-being, experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. The results showed that at the post-treatment assesment (ACT), the treatment group reported significantly higher psychological well-being compared to the control group. At the follow-up assessment, the effects of the treatment group was maintained. In addition, the treatment group reported significantly lower scores in level of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance. but significant changes in experiential avoidance was not occurred. Results indicated that the treatment group showed more treatment effect than the control group in experiential avoidance, psychological well-being and cognitive fusion. These results suggest that the acceptance-commitment group therapy can be applied effectively for alcoholics. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:41∼50)

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