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Original Article 다문화가정 초등학생의 생활스트레스가 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 자존감, 부모자녀관계, 또래관계의 조절효과
Life-Stress Faced by Elementary School Students from Multi-Cultural Families and Its Influence on Their Elementary School Adjustment: The Moderating Effects of Self-Esteem, Parent-Child Relations, and Peer Relations
Junseong Park*, Haejung Ahn, Taeyun Jung
STRESS 2013;21(1):51-60
Published online: March 31, 2013

*나사렛대학교 심리재활학과, 중앙대학교 심리학과

*Department of Psychological Rehabilitation, Nazarene University, Cheonan, Department of Psychology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea

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The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between life-stress of elementary school students from multi-cultural families and their elementary school adjustment and to test moderating roles of self-esteem, parent-child relations and peer relations in that relationship. A total of 100 elementary school participants - 50 students from multi-cultural families and 50 students who are enrolled with children in multi-cultural families - were asked to complete a questionnaire related to the multi-cultures in Korea. According to the results, there were significant differences between the students in terms of elementary school adjustment, parent-child relations, and relations with classmate. However, there were no differences found between the students about life-stress and self-esteem. In relations between the life-stress and school adjustment of children from multi-cultural families, the significant moderating effects of both self-esteem and parent-child relation were found. And the significant moderating effects of peer relations for Korean native children were found. Finally, the effecting indicators of children' adjustment of elementary school from multi-cultural families were discussed in relation to relevant results. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:51∼60)

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