서일대학교 간호과
Department of Nursing, Seoil University, Seoul, Korea
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the Head Nurse's decision making style perceived by Nurses and Job satisfaction, role conflict and the organizational health in Nurse. The study included 473 nurses working in 2 university hospitals in seoul. The data were collected from 2, May, 2012 to 28, July, 2012. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, scheffé test and pearson correlation coefficient, with SAS package were used for data analysis. The results are as follows. They were significant differences in job satisfaction, role conflict and organizational health by field, carrier. There was found significant and positive correlation among HN's decision making style perceived by nurse and job satisfaction, organizational health in nurse; among job satisfaction and organization health in nurse. There was found significant and negative correlation among HN's decision making style perceived by nurse and role conflict; among role conflict and job satisfaction, organization health in nurse. Through this results, to increase job satisfaction, organizational health and to reduce role conflict in nurses, it is necessary to developing decision making competency of head nurse. (Korean J Str Res 2013;21:61∼71)