중앙대학교 심리학과
Department of Psychology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
This study was aimed to examine the mediating effect of military official support and comrade support on the relationship between military life stress and military life adaptation. A sample of 300 privates was surveyed. Questionnaires including Military Life Stress, Military Life Adaptation, and Social Support (military official support and comrade support). Correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results showed that military life stress was negatively related to military official support, comrade support and military life adaptation. Military official and comrade support was positively associated with military life adaptation. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that military official support partially mediated the relationship between military life stress and adaptation. Also, comrade support partially mediated the relationship between military life stress and adaptation. These results suggest that support can be effective variable in improving military life stress among privates with military life stress. Finally, the limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for further research. (Korean J Stress Res 2016;24:85∼94)